How to take care of the skin of those who smoke

How to take care of the skin of those who smoke

In the mod­ern world, it has long been fash­ion­able to be healthy, many peo­ple give up smok­ing and drink­ing alco­hol. Espe­cial­ly often girls and women dare to take such a step, because bad habits neg­a­tive­ly affect not only the gen­er­al state of health, but also the appear­ance and beau­ty. The harm of smok­ing not least neg­a­tive­ly affects the skin of the face. There­fore, if you can­not com­plete­ly give up addic­tion, take mea­sures to help the skin and pro­tect it. In this arti­cle, Exper­tol­ogy experts will tell you how to do it.

How to care for the skin of those who smoke: 6 tips and an overview of 5 cosmetics

Composition of cigarette smoke

When you under­stand what is includ­ed in the com­po­si­tion of cig­a­rettes, the ques­tion aris­es — how did man­u­fac­tur­ers think of releas­ing such a prod­uct, why do peo­ple delib­er­ate­ly and vol­un­tar­i­ly poi­son them­selves? Tobac­co smoke con­tains approx­i­mate­ly 3,000 dif­fer­ent chem­i­cal com­pounds, In addi­tion to nico­tine itself, it includes such dan­ger­ous com­po­nents:

  1. Poi­sons such as cyanide, arsenic, hydro­cyan­ic acid and car­bon monox­ide.

  2. The most pow­er­ful car­cino­gens, for exam­ple, ben­zopy­rene, chry­sene, diben­zpyrene.

  3. Nitrosamines, which con­tribute to the dete­ri­o­ra­tion of the brain.

  4. Radioac­tive sub­stances — polo­ni­um, lead, bis­muth.

This, of course, is far from all the chem­i­cals that smok­ers inhale every day. But enough of them to under­stand what a pow­er­ful harm to health is inflict­ed.

How the body of those who smoke suffers

Briefly con­sid­er what is the harm of smok­ing for the body as a whole:

  1. Cig­a­rette smoke caus­es vasospasm and increas­es the load on the heart by 20% above nor­mal. Because of this, blood pres­sure ris­es, prob­lems with the func­tion­ing of the car­dio­vas­cu­lar sys­tem begin, the risk of blood clots and the depo­si­tion of cho­les­terol plaques on the walls of cap­il­lar­ies increas­es, the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

  2. Blood cir­cu­la­tion wors­ens, because of which absolute­ly all organs, includ­ing the brain, receive less oxy­gen they need.

  3. Those who smoke, there are a vari­ety of vio­la­tions of the sex­u­al sphere, caused by nar­row­ing of the ves­sels of the small pelvis.

  4. The pro­duc­tion of gas­tric juice increas­es. For this rea­son, those who smoke are more like­ly to devel­op heart­burn and stom­ach ulcers than non-smok­ers.

  5. Smoke irri­tates the res­pi­ra­to­ry mucosa. There is a cough, the risk of devel­op­ing bronchial dis­eases, emphy­se­ma increas­es.

  6. In those who smoke, tar set­tles and accu­mu­lates in the lungs.

  7. The chances of get­ting can­cer of the lungs, lar­ynx, blad­der and pan­creas increase.

  8. Smok­ing can cause blind­ness and hear­ing prob­lems. Cig­a­rette smoke caus­es dys­tro­phy of the reti­na and choroid due to lack of blood sup­ply, poi­sons also have a pow­er­ful neg­a­tive effect on the optic nerve and the inner­va­tion of the inter­nal struc­tures of the hear­ing organs.

  9. Reduced immu­ni­ty.

In addi­tion, those who smoke devel­op psy­cho­log­i­cal depen­dence. The pres­ence of a bad habit adverse­ly affects the men­tal state, the func­tion­ing of the cen­tral ner­vous sys­tem, the qual­i­ty of sleep, and even the mood of a per­son. And of course, the skin, the largest organ of the human body, suf­fers.

What happens to the skin

How to care for the skin of those who smoke: 6 tips and an overview of 5 cosmetics

How smok­ing dam­ages the skin:

  1. Lack of oxy­gen in the blood leads to pre­ma­ture death of skin cells.

  2. The body does not receive nutri­ents and begins to fade.

  3. The skin acquires a painful gray­ish or yel­low­ish tint.

  4. Puffi­ness and dark cir­cles appear under the eyes.

  5. The process­es of regen­er­a­tion and restora­tion of the skin are inhib­it­ed, which caus­es pre­ma­ture aging.

  6. Free rad­i­cals also destroy cells, col­la­gen and elastin fibers. Because of this, the skin becomes flab­by, loose, wrin­kles appear, the oval of the face “floats”, the relief and tex­ture are dis­turbed.

  7. The hydro-lipid bal­ance of the skin is dis­turbed.

  8. Local immu­ni­ty decreas­es, the skin can­not effec­tive­ly resist neg­a­tive inter­nal or exter­nal influ­ences, it burns faster in the sun and winds up.

  9. The poi­sons con­tained in tobac­co smoke lit­er­al­ly poi­son, have a tox­ic effect on cells.

Yes, smok­ing is bad, but not every­one who smokes looks bad. If you can’t give up a bad habit yet, you can help your skin resist neg­a­tive effects.

How to care for your skin for those who smoke — tips and methods

The first thing you need to ensure the skin of the face is high-qual­i­ty and reg­u­lar cleans­ing. After all, a large num­ber of car­cino­gens, tox­ins and var­i­ous con­t­a­m­i­nants set­tle on it. There­fore, you need to wash your face at least twice a day, includ­ing with the help of spe­cial­ized prod­ucts. Also, once or twice a week, it is rec­om­mend­ed to do a deep­er cleans­ing of the skin, use suit­able masks, peels and sim­i­lar prepa­ra­tions.

Experts also give some more skin care tips for those who smoke:

  1. Pay atten­tion to the skin around the eyes. When you puff on a cig­a­rette, you squint, and if this hap­pens reg­u­lar­ly, wrin­kles appear around the eyes that non-smok­ers do not have. There­fore, the epi­der­mis from this area needs to be mois­tur­ized, sat­u­rat­ed with vit­a­mins, antiox­i­dants and oth­er use­ful sub­stances.

  2. Anoth­er place where wrin­kles often appear on the face of smok­ers - these are the lips, espe­cial­ly the upper lip, which also los­es a clear con­tour. The lips are the first to take the tox­ic hit when inhaled by cig­a­rette smoke. There­fore, the skin in this area needs to be nour­ished and mois­tur­ized.

  3. For gen­er­al facial skin care, choose a good qual­i­ty and, if pos­si­ble, nat­ur­al cream. It should con­tain vit­a­mins C, E, A, hyaluron­ic acid, pep­tides, extracts and oils of med­i­c­i­nal plants, retinoids, arbutin, niaci­namide, min­er­als, zinc, polyun­sat­u­rat­ed fat­ty acids.

  4. Don’t for­get to tone your skin spe­cial cos­met­ics. This will increase its elas­tic­i­ty and elim­i­nate the effects of stress caused by smok­ing.

  5. Try to pro­tect your skin from UV raysbecause she is very sen­si­tive to them. It is rec­om­mend­ed to buy a day cream with an SPF fil­ter of 25 or more (depend­ing on the time of year).

  6. Give your skin a night’s care, when cel­lu­lar metab­o­lism is espe­cial­ly active, and you do not smoke, do not inter­fere with the epi­der­mis to ful­ly renew and recov­er. Choose prod­ucts with a high con­cen­tra­tion of vit­a­mins, min­er­als and nutri­ents, it is bet­ter to give pref­er­ence to nat­ur­al cos­met­ics.

How to care for the skin of those who smoke: an overview of effective cosmetics

Experts have select­ed for you a few cos­met­ics that will help keep your skin in good con­di­tion and at least slight­ly off­set the harm from smok­ing:

  1. Wele­da Pome­gran­ate Firm­ing Day Cream. This is an organ­ic lift­ing day cream with an excel­lent com­po­si­tion, which is designed to cor­rect skin prob­lems, includ­ing age-relat­ed ones. It con­tains many veg­etable oils, in par­tic­u­lar pome­gran­ate seed oil, argan and macadamia.

  2. Mask-scrub “Mag­ic Clay”. Exfo­li­a­tion and nar­row­ing of the pores “from the com­pa­ny L’O­re­al. It con­tains three types of cos­met­ic clay at the same time, effec­tive­ly and deeply cleans­es the pores from any impu­ri­ties, gives the skin a healthy and bloom­ing appear­ance, a fresh tone.

  3. Bio­der­ma Hydra­bio Mois­tur­iz­ing Ton­ing. It is a mois­tur­iz­er and ton­er suit­able for sen­si­tive, stressed, vul­ner­a­ble skin. The com­po­si­tion con­tains an extract from an apple, cit­ric acid, vit­a­min B3, allan­toin.

  4. ToAchromin Eye Cream. This cos­met­ic prod­uct will help smooth out the relief, restore the hydro-lipid bal­ance, and increase the tone of the tis­sues. The recipe con­tains olive, almond and rape­seed oils, allan­toin, squalane, hyaluron­ic acid.

  5. Milk for cleans­ing dry and sen­si­tive skin from Natu­ra Siber­i­ca. Gen­tly and del­i­cate­ly removes impu­ri­ties, soothes irri­ta­tions and red­ness, peel­ing, nor­mal­izes the bal­ance of the skin.

These are excel­lent cos­met­ic prod­ucts that have proven them­selves well in the care of vul­ner­a­ble skin. How­ev­er, only a cos­me­tol­o­gist or der­ma­tol­o­gist after a con­sul­ta­tion will be able to choose the best drugs for you, so before buy­ing cos­met­ics, con­sult a spe­cial­ist.






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