Compare coho salmon and salmon

Compare coho salmon and salmon | What is healthier and tastier

Both coho salmon and salmon are rare rep­re­sen­ta­tives of salmon. They are sim­i­lar in their prop­er­ties and equal­ly use­ful. But when choos­ing a suit­able red fish, nev­er­the­less, a rea­son­able ques­tion aris­es: which is tasti­er? Our experts will give you the answer.

Coho salmon: characteristics, composition, benefits

coho salmon

The largest fish in the salmon fam­i­ly. “Sil­ver salmon” (as it is called in the vast­ness of the Unit­ed States and Japan) can be safe­ly called a real giant: it reach­es a meter in length and weighs more than 15 kg. Habi­tat — main­ly the Kam­chat­ka coast up to the rivers of the Sea of ​​Okhot­sk and the east­ern coast of about. Hokkai­do. In the nat­ur­al envi­ron­ment, coho salmon is found in small num­bers — hence the high price.

In domes­tic open spaces, coho salmon is known under a dif­fer­ent name — “white fish” and is con­sid­ered a del­i­ca­cy. Coho salmon meat has a rich coral col­or, and the taste is per­fect­ly bal­anced. Although sil­ver salmon can hard­ly be called a dietary prod­uct, a dish pre­pared from it will be use­ful for chil­dren, the elder­ly, and those who mon­i­tor their calo­rie intake.

Coho salmon meat con­tains a lot of valu­able sub­stances:

  1. Vit­a­mins A, C, E, group B;

  2. Molyb­de­num

  3. Chromi­um;

  4. Flu­o­rine;

  5. Sul­fur;

  6. Iron;

  7. Nick­el;

  8. Mag­ne­sium;

  9. Cal­ci­um;

  10. Phos­pho­rus;

  11. Astax­an­thin (carotenoid), etc.

IMPORTANT! coho salmon, undoubt­ed­ly, it is replete with use­ful com­po­nents, but it also has a cer­tain pecu­liar­i­ty — 100 meat of this fish con­tains almost 63 g of cho­les­terol. There­fore, the prod­uct should be used with extreme cau­tion.

White fish can be con­sumed not only to pam­per the taste buds and stom­ach, but also to have a ther­a­peu­tic effect on the body. It is known that coho salmon:

  1. Reduces the risk of stroke, devel­op­ment of ath­er­o­scle­ro­sis;

  2. Strength­ens the ner­vous sys­tem;

  3. Increas­es hemo­glo­bin;

  4. Min­i­mizes the pos­si­bil­i­ty of devel­op­ing osteo­poro­sis;

  5. Strength­ens vas­cu­lar walls;

  6. Accel­er­ates metab­o­lism;

  7. Puri­fies the blood;

  8. Strength­ens bone tis­sue;

  9. Pre­vents the influ­ence of radionu­clides, etc.

The prod­uct should be used with cau­tion by those who suf­fer from chron­ic dis­eases of the gas­troin­testi­nal tract, liv­er, kid­neys, aller­gies to seafood.

Salmon: composition, characteristics, benefits


Salmon, also known as Atlantic salmon, prefers the cold waters of the Atlantic Ocean and lives in the lakes of the North­ern Hemi­sphere. Like coho salmon, salmon is dis­tin­guished by its impres­sive size — some­times it reach­es 1.5 meters in length and weighs more than 40 (!) Kg and is con­sid­ered a del­i­ca­cy. Its del­i­cate pale pink meat has a del­i­cate taste and is con­sid­ered a dietary prod­uct due to its low calo­rie con­tent (only 200 Kcal).

Deli­cious Atlantic salmon meat is rich­ly valu­able min­er­als and vit­a­mins:

  1. Vit­a­mins A, C, E, PP, group B;

  2. Fat­ty acids (includ­ing Omega‑3);

  3. Amino acids;

  4. Phos­pho­rus;

  5. Potas­si­um;

  6. Iron;

  7. Cal­ci­um;

  8. Methio­n­ine (an essen­tial amino acid for the body), etc.

Salmon lives in cold and clean water, and affects our body as ben­e­fi­cial­ly as its habi­tat:

  1. Improves men­tal activ­i­ty;

  2. Strength­ens bones;

  3. Improves the con­di­tion of the lig­a­ments;

  4. Restores cho­les­terol and lipid bal­ance;

  5. Strength­ens the pro­tec­tive func­tions of the body;

  6. Pre­vents the devel­op­ment of dis­eases of the heart and blood ves­sels;

  7. Nor­mal­izes the hor­mon­al back­ground;

  8. Reju­ve­nates the skin, etc.

It is dif­fi­cult to imag­ine that dietary fish can be harm­ful, how­ev­er, for eat­ing salmon there are a num­ber of con­traindi­ca­tions:

  1. Salmon is able to accu­mu­late methylmer­cury in itself — this is a dan­ger­ous com­pound with a high lev­el of tox­i­c­i­ty;

  2. May pro­voke the devel­op­ment of an aller­gic reac­tion.

Making a choice

It is dif­fi­cult to say which fish, after all, is bet­ter — salmon or coho salmon. Both rep­re­sen­ta­tives of salmon are dis­tin­guished by incred­i­ble ben­e­fits, nutri­tion­al val­ue, and have sub­tle taste qual­i­ties. The choice of this or that prod­uct depends more on per­son­al pref­er­ences, since both fish are tasty, low-calo­rie, healthy (although they affect the body of the fish in dif­fer­ent ways) and have prac­ti­cal­ly no con­traindi­ca­tions. We can only give a lit­tle advice: if you like Japan­ese cui­sine, we rec­om­mend mak­ing a choice in favor of salmon. Coho salmon is ide­al for stew­ing, salt.






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