Unleavened bread: benefits and harms

Unleavened bread: benefits and harms

In all stores you can find yeast-free bread in var­i­ous designs. It has great advan­tages com­pared to clas­sic bread, but it can have some harm. Let’s try to under­stand the fea­tures of such a prod­uct.

What is unleavened bread?

unleavened bread

Pho­to: 31daily.com/

This type of bread is called so, since yeast, sour­dough are not used in pro­duc­tion. The prod­uct is used in many coun­tries of the world, more often baked with cakes in the fol­low­ing forms:

  1. Lavash — the com­po­si­tion includes only water, salt and flour. Tan­door is used for cook­ing.

  2. Matzah is an Israeli bread made exclu­sive­ly from water and flour. Salt is not added.

  3. Focac­cia — Ital­ian cui­sine, addi­tion­al olive oil is added to the bread, and the prod­uct is gen­er­ous­ly sprin­kled with herbs on top. It is this option that is the basis for piz­za.

  4. Tor­tilla is a Mex­i­can tor­tilla made from wheat or corn flour, with the addi­tion of water, salt and mar­garine. Flat cakes are round, cooked in a dry fry­ing pan. Eat as an inde­pen­dent dish or in addi­tion to fill­ings.

  5. Cha­p­ati is an Indi­an bread and the basis of the diet of peo­ple of any class. Served hot, it acts not only as food, but also as appli­ances. It is fold­ed so as to col­lect soups and oth­er liq­uid dish­es. It is first baked in a pan, and then on fire.

Any type of bread marked “unleav­ened” in our stores is rel­a­tive­ly sim­i­lar. It will be more accu­rate to say the prod­uct on nat­ur­al sour­dough. In the case of a yeast com­po­si­tion, bub­bles appear that help keep the dough soft by chang­ing its struc­ture. If yeast is not used, then the dough is not able to rise, it will be dense and dif­fi­cult to bake. Few peo­ple may like such prod­ucts, so man­u­fac­tur­ers use sour­dough for their prod­ucts.

Atten­tion! Sour­dough is a semi-fin­ished prod­uct made with the help of ben­e­fi­cial bac­te­ria and the fer­men­ta­tion of the mix­ture. There are sev­er­al types.

Yeast-free bread is made accord­ing to GOST, sim­i­lar to a reg­u­lar yeast-based prod­uct. Seeds, grains, spices are used to improve taste.

Benefits of unleavened bread

A store-bought prod­uct is made on sour­dough from nat­ur­al ingre­di­ents. Whole­meal flour is added to the com­po­si­tion of the prod­ucts, which con­tains vit­a­mins of group B, PP, as well as fiber and oth­er ele­ments. All this points to the ben­e­fits of the prod­uct:

  1. Easy and fast absorp­tion.

  2. Improv­ing meta­bol­ic process­es, the work of the diges­tive tract.

  3. Doc­tors advise peo­ple with gas­troin­testi­nal patholo­gies to eat yeast-free bread, and nutri­tion­ists rec­om­mend adding it to the diet for those who have weight prob­lems.

  4. The safe­ty of the prod­uct is slight­ly longer than that of clas­sic bread, due to the bac­te­ria in the com­po­si­tion, which excludes mold and oth­er pathogens.

Like oth­er food prod­ucts, bread can affect the gen­er­al con­di­tion of a per­son, his health. If the prod­uct is of poor qual­i­ty or irreg­u­lar­i­ties are allowed dur­ing man­u­fac­ture, then there is a pos­si­bil­i­ty of nau­sea and indi­ges­tion. In the case of reg­u­lar use of such bread, chron­ic patholo­gies devel­op.

Harm and disadvantages of yeast-free bread

All the dis­ad­van­tages of the described prod­uct are relat­ed to com­mer­cial activ­i­ties, since its pop­u­lar­i­ty is not very large on an indus­tri­al scale. Main dis­ad­van­tages:

  1. A com­plex cook­ing process that requires more time and effort.

  2. Taste and aro­ma are sig­nif­i­cant­ly dif­fer­ent from clas­sic pas­tries.

  3. The rough struc­ture of the dough, its rigid­i­ty.

Real yeast-free bread made from flour and dough is a rar­i­ty in stores. More often, man­u­fac­tur­ers use wild yeast in the form of hops. Such starters are nat­ur­al, but almost do not dif­fer from the usu­al yeast. To be sure of the qual­i­ty of the prod­uct, it is best to make it your­self.

Recipe for yeast-free bread at home

For cook­ing, you need to start sour­dough, which is suit­able for 4–5 days. For her, a glass con­tain­er or an enam­eled plate, a saucepan with a lid are best suit­ed. Water to pour in the usu­al tap, boiled or bot­tled water is not suit­able. The fil­tered option is the best. Choose flour to your taste, rye is well suit­ed, only coarse grind­ing.

Ini­tial­ly, stir 100 g of flour in 150 ml of water, leave the homo­ge­neous mass for a day at room tem­per­a­ture, cov­ered with a tow­el. A day lat­er, add anoth­er 50 ml of water and 50 g of flour, stir again and leave for 24 hours. Repeat the algo­rithm for the next 2 days. On the 5th day, add again, but at the end of the day you can use the mass for bak­ing. From the sour­dough, before the first prepa­ra­tion, it is nec­es­sary to drain about 100 ml into a sep­a­rate bowl in order to use it in the future with­out wait­ing 5 days.

A wild yeast recipe using hop cones is a good recipe. They will need 250 g, which are filled with 0.5 liters of water. Boil every­thing togeth­er for 30 min­utes over low heat, and then leave for 8 hours. Then strain and add 130 g of whole grain flour and 1 tbsp. l. hon­ey. After stir­ring the con­tents, cov­er the con­tain­er and leave in a warm place for a day. In a day, the mix­ture will be more than dou­bled, and while it holds its shape, you need to pre­pare the dough. For her you need:

  1. Milk or water — 1 tbsp.

  2. Sug­ar — 30 g.

  3. Sour­dough — 10 tbsp. l.

Mix the ingre­di­ents, pour flour and make the con­sis­ten­cy of sour cream. Close the con­tain­er with a cloth for 2 hours. After the dough, salt, knead, intro­duc­ing flour. Bread is baked for 40–45 min­utes at 200 degrees.

Unleav­ened bread is an ana­logue of the clas­sic, but with greater ben­e­fits. The main val­ue is that there is no yeast inside, although man­u­fac­tur­ers make the prod­uct on sour­dough. The ben­e­fit is deter­mined by the fact that grains, bran and oth­er ingre­di­ents that increase val­ue are added to the prod­uct dur­ing man­u­fac­ture. This prod­uct is val­ued for dietary fiber, which improves the func­tion­ing of the diges­tive tract. The grains are rich in min­er­als and vit­a­mins.






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