Рубрика: FOOD

  • Compare chum salmon and pink salmon

    Compare chum salmon and pink salmon

    Red fish is not only a del­i­ca­cy, but also a very use­ful prod­uct. It con­tains a huge amount of vit­a­mins, fat­ty acids, trace ele­ments and oth­er impor­tant nutri­ents. How­ev­er, “red fish” is a com­mon name for a huge num­ber of salmon vari­eties. So, salmon, pink salmon, sock­eye salmon, salmon, chum salmon, trout and many oth­er…

  • Comparing Palm and Coconut Oil

    Comparing Palm and Coconut Oil

    Many oils are often extract­ed, if not from one “source”, then at least from sim­i­lar ones. This is exact­ly the case with coconut and palm. They often side by side on store shelves and raise a rea­son­able ques­tion among con­sumers: what is the dif­fer­ence between them? This ques­tion was answered by our experts. Similar Features…

  • Compare sugar and sweetener |  Pros and cons

    Compare sugar and sweetener | Pros and cons

    Sug­ar is now found in almost all prod­ucts. It is added to baked goods, canned food, mari­nades, sauces, sausages and much, much more. You can meet glu­cose even in those dish­es where it — in the­o­ry — should not be. Just sug­ar is both a fla­vor enhancer, and a preser­v­a­tive, and just a food addi­tive.…

  • Comparing potato starch and corn starch

    Comparing potato starch and corn starch

    Starch is dif­fer­ent. Of course, since Sovi­et times, most house­wives have been accus­tomed to only one vari­ety of this ingre­di­ent — pota­to — but now you can eas­i­ly find more exot­ic options on store shelves. For exam­ple, corn. And despite the fact that these vari­eties are very sim­i­lar in chem­i­cal com­po­si­tion, they have extreme­ly dif­fer­ent…

  • Comparing white and black sesame

    Comparing white and black sesame

    Sesame (also called “sesame”) is a famil­iar sea­son­ing that is used in a wide vari­ety of dish­es. How­ev­er, for some time now, sev­er­al vari­eties of it can be found on store shelves. Par­tic­u­lar­ly white and black. At the same time, black sesame is posi­tioned as more use­ful, fra­grant and tasty. But many house­wives and own­ers…

  • Rosemary: useful properties, use in cosmetics and cosmetology, contraindications

    Rosemary: useful properties, use in cosmetics and cosmetology, contraindications

    Rose­mary is a south­ern ever­green with a strong pleas­ant aro­ma. For many, it is known as a spice. But rose­mary is used not only in cook­ing, it has long been added to cos­met­ics. The plant has many use­ful prop­er­ties. It can be used as a com­po­nent of home­made masks or ready-made cos­met­ics. Useful properties for…

  • Compare vanilla sugar and vanillin

    Compare vanilla sugar and vanillin

    Nat­ur­al vanil­la is an expen­sive prod­uct, because it is not mass-pro­duced due to the dif­fi­cul­ty of grow­ing orchid flow­ers, from which, in fact, this prod­uct is obtained. So an alter­na­tive appeared — vanil­la sug­ar and vanil­la. How do these fla­vors dif­fer from each oth­er and is it worth giv­ing pref­er­ence to some­thing one? Our experts…

  • Compare wine and balsamic vinegar

    Compare wine and balsamic vinegar

    Pro­fes­sion­al chefs keep the secrets of prepar­ing their dish­es in the strictest con­fi­dence, but one thing is for sure: they always use orig­i­nal and nat­ur­al spices, as well as vine­gar. Among the vari­ety of all kinds of fla­vor­ings and sauces, bal­sam­ic and wine vine­gars are absolute favorites. Are there any dif­fer­ences between them and what…

  • Compare tea and coffee |  Benefit and harm

    Compare tea and coffee | Benefit and harm

    The debate about which is bet­ter — tea or cof­fee — has not sub­sided, prob­a­bly since the appear­ance of these drinks. More­over, sup­port­ers and oppo­nents of each of them in the “bat­tles” use a vari­ety of argu­ments — from the dif­fer­ence in tastes to attempts to fig­ure out what is more use­ful or more harm­ful.…

  • Compare coffee and chicory

    Compare coffee and chicory

    In dis­putes about the dan­ger, harm­ful­ness or harm­less­ness of cof­fee, many copies have been bro­ken. They say that it acts on the car­dio­vas­cu­lar sys­tem, and irri­tates the gas­tric mucosa, and caus­es addic­tion. But at the same time, cof­fee, like no oth­er drink, helps to cheer up, wake up and improve vital­i­ty. And he’s deli­cious too.…