Рубрика: gadgets

  • Which is better — UTP or FTP

    Which is better — UTP or FTP

    UTP and FTP are types of patch cord, a twist­ed-pair net­work cable designed for lay­ing a local net­work between com­put­ers, servers and switch­ing equip­ment. They dif­fer pri­mar­i­ly in design. So: UTP (Unshield­ed Twist­ed Pair) — unshield­ed. Usu­al­ly con­sists of eight cores, com­bined into four twist­ed pairs. Each core is cov­ered with PVC insu­la­tion and they…

  • What is more important — the number of cores or the clock speed of the processor

    What is more important — the number of cores or the clock speed of the processor

    If you take a look at the cur­rent proces­sor mar­ket, it may seem that chip com­pa­nies have decid­ed to enter the Guin­ness Book of Records. AMD Unveils 32-Core Thread­rip­per 2290WX Proces­sor! “Intel released the Core i7-8086K proces­sor, which can over­clock up to 5.0 GHz”! New per­for­mance records are set every year, and as a result,…

  • Compare cable TV and digital

    Compare cable TV and digital

    With the devel­op­ment of tech­nol­o­gy, the num­ber of ways to trans­mit a TV sig­nal is only increas­ing. Now, as of April 2019, there are five broad­cast­ing stan­dards in EU — ter­res­tri­al ana­log, ter­res­tri­al dig­i­tal, cable ana­log, cable dig­i­tal (aka IP TV) and satel­lite. And the choice of type when con­duct­ing a new tele­vi­sion in an…

  • Which microphone is better — condenser or dynamic

    Which microphone is better — condenser or dynamic

    In a pro­fes­sion­al envi­ron­ment, dynam­ic and con­denser micro­phones are con­sid­ered the most pop­u­lar today. Each of these types of audio devices has its own char­ac­ter­is­tics and an excel­lent mech­a­nism for con­vert­ing sounds into elec­tri­cal sig­nals. Which type of micro­phone is bet­ter — dynam­ic or, nev­er­the­less, con­denser? These issues were dis­cussed by our experts. Features of…

  • Compare two-pin and one-pin lamp

    Compare two-pin and one-pin lamp

    Lamps that are used in the light­ing sys­tem of a car (head­lights, inte­ri­or light­ing, park­ing lights, brake lights, and so on) can be sin­gle-pin and two-pin. And they dif­fer not only, as the name implies, in the num­ber of con­tacts, but also in func­tion­al­i­ty. And, of course, they are not inter­change­able. Let’s fig­ure out how…

  • Compare offset and digital printing

    Compare offset and digital printing

    When order­ing print­ed prod­ucts in a print­ing house, they can offer two types of print­ing — off­set and dig­i­tal. And it is not always clear how one type dif­fers from anoth­er and which one to choose in the end. Let’s fig­ure out how off­set print­ing dif­fers from dig­i­tal and which one is bet­ter for cre­at­ing…

  • Compare new iPhone and refurbished

    Compare new iPhone and refurbished

    Often, when try­ing to buy an iPhone in some Chi­nese online store (or even on eBay), you can come across very inter­est­ing offers. It seems to be the device of the last or at least the cur­rent gen­er­a­tion — but it is sold for mere pen­nies. Unless the ad itself is marked “Refur­bished” or Refur­bished.…

  • Compare DDR2 and DDR3 |  Important differences

    Compare DDR2 and DDR3 | Important differences

    At one time, DDR RAM became a real break­through not only in a pro­fes­sion­al envi­ron­ment — users appre­ci­at­ed not only a fash­ion­able, but also an incred­i­bly pro­duc­tive device. And the appear­ance of the sec­ond and third gen­er­a­tions made it pos­si­ble to talk about super speeds. So, what exact­ly is DDR2 and DDR3, how do you…

  • Comparing 32 and 64-bit systems

    Comparing 32 and 64-bit systems

    Many have heard of the exis­tence of two main types of oper­at­ing sys­tems. At some point, every­one has a need to choose a cer­tain one. How not to make a mis­take and choose the right option? In gen­er­al, what are the dif­fer­ences between 32 and 64-bit sys­tems? Let’s take a clos­er look at the issue…

  • Compare VVGng and VVGng ls cable

    Compare VVGng and VVGng ls cable

    The pow­er cable VVGng (vinyl-vinyl “bare” non-com­bustible) is designed to trans­mit direct cur­rent with volt­age up to 1000 V or alter­nat­ing cur­rent with volt­age from 660 V to 1000 V. It con­sists of sev­er­al cop­per con­duc­tors with vinyl insu­la­tion and a vinyl sheath (cam­bric), devoid of armor . This cable prod­uct is used for the…