Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Beko RCNK 321E20 BW refrigerator review: photos, reviews, specifications

    Beko RCNK 321E20 BW refrigerator review: photos, reviews, specifications

    [ad_1] The Beko RCNK 321E20 BW refrig­er­a­tor has an elec­tron­i­cal­ly con­trolled com­pres­sor, which makes it easy to adjust the tem­per­a­ture and set the opti­mal val­ue on the dis­play. Functionality Beko RCNK 321E20 BW The No Frost sys­tem pro­vides fast cool­ing of prod­ucts. In addi­tion, thanks to the “Vaca­tion” func­tion, you can reduce ener­gy con­sump­tion by…

  • Rating of the best multicookers (TOP-15): description, characteristics, advantages and disadvantages

    Rating of the best multicookers (TOP-15): description, characteristics, advantages and disadvantages

    [ad_1] A slow cook­er is a con­ve­nient house­hold appli­ance that helps to solve culi­nary issues and quick­ly cope with the prepa­ra­tion of var­i­ous dish­es. At the same time, you don’t have to waste time stand­ing at the stove, a mod­ern “pan” will solve this issue. The arti­cle presents a rat­ing of the best mul­ti­cook­ers of…

  • what is the difference in devices and how they differ, as well as reviews of models with a bowl

    what is the difference in devices and how they differ, as well as reviews of models with a bowl

    [ad_1] A huge num­ber of its vari­eties were invent­ed for home­work. And to facil­i­tate work in the kitchen, speed up the process and make it pos­si­ble to pre­pare a vari­ety of dish­es, a lot of kitchen appli­ances have been invent­ed. One such device is a blender. What is and what is the device? A blender…

  • Bosch SPV2IMX1BR dishwasher review: photos, reviews, pros/cons

    Bosch SPV2IMX1BR dishwasher review: photos, reviews, pros/cons

    [ad_1] Built-in com­pact dish­wash­er from Bosch. An invert­er motor is used, the oper­a­tional life of which is an order of mag­ni­tude greater than tra­di­tion­al ones. Sup­ports remote con­trol, as well as syn­chro­niza­tion with smart home sys­tems (via WiFi and a pro­pri­etary appli­ca­tion). Functional The main fea­tures of this dish­wash­er: 5 dish­wash­ing pro­grams, 1 cus­tomiz­able. 6…

  • Best coffee makers: TOP 15 models for home and office

    Best coffee makers: TOP 15 models for home and office

    [ad_1] For a true con­nois­seur of a fra­grant drink, a cof­fee mak­er is an essen­tial item. But the mod­ern mar­ket is strik­ing in its diver­si­ty, here you can find a mod­el for every taste and bud­get. But how not to make a mis­take in choos­ing? We bring to your atten­tion the TOP 15 best cof­fee…

  • what is it and why is it needed, pros and cons, specifications and customer reviews

    what is it and why is it needed, pros and cons, specifications and customer reviews

    [ad_1] In many mod­ern kitchens, a sta­tion­ary blender has long become an indis­pens­able assis­tant. This house­hold appli­ance great­ly sim­pli­fies the process of cook­ing and allows you to diver­si­fy the dai­ly menu. How­ev­er, like any oth­er house­hold appli­ance, a sta­tion­ary blender has its advan­tages and dis­ad­van­tages. What is it and how it works A sta­tion­ary blender…

  • The best electric kettles: TOP-16 models with descriptions and characteristics

    The best electric kettles: TOP-16 models with descriptions and characteristics

    [ad_1] Elec­tric ket­tles are a handy kitchen appli­ance that helps to boil water in a short time. To deter­mine which mod­el is best suit­ed, a rat­ing of the best elec­tric ket­tles is pre­sent­ed: bud­get and expen­sive mod­els, medi­um-priced appli­ances. Models of electric kettles at an affordable price Bud­get elec­tric ket­tles are inex­pen­sive, but at the…

  • rating 2022–2023, pros and cons, specifications + reviews

    rating 2022–2023, pros and cons, specifications + reviews

    [ad_1] Today, the Ger­man man­u­fac­tur­er Bosch is engaged in the man­u­fac­ture of one of the most pop­u­lar, high-qual­i­ty and best-sell­ing items of equip­ment on the world mar­ket. The devices of this man­u­fac­tur­er can be seen in every rat­ing of the best units, in par­tic­u­lar, when it comes to dish­wash­ers. Here, the man­u­fac­tur­er has done its…

  • The best coffee machines: rating of 25 models, characteristics, advantages and disadvantages

    The best coffee machines: rating of 25 models, characteristics, advantages and disadvantages

    [ad_1] Among such a wide vari­ety of cof­fee machines, each user will always be able to choose a mod­el for him­self, based on his own pref­er­ences, the pur­pose of the device, and the bud­get. Our rat­ing con­tains only the best cof­fee machines that many buy­ers have already expe­ri­enced. Inexpensive but popular models The rat­ing includes…

  • Top 9 Best Baby Food Blenders

    Top 9 Best Baby Food Blenders

    [ad_1] Some time after the birth of a child, every young moth­er asks her­self about the intro­duc­tion of com­ple­men­tary foods, which should be healthy, bal­anced and have the right con­sis­ten­cy for the child to assim­i­late. In the peri­od up to a year, you can, of course, use ready-made com­ple­men­tary foods in the form of homog­e­nized…

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