Метка: compounds

  • How to remove clay from the carpet quickly and without a trace

    How to remove clay from the carpet quickly and without a trace

    Children sculpt, and adults wash, clean, scrub. Familiar? So you are a happy parent who came for advice on how to clean the carpet from colored plasticine magnificence. Why plasticine sticks to carpet In fact, not every copy sticks. But if you press it well with your heel, then even the driest subject will…

  • How to remove old paint from a battery

    How to remove old paint from a battery

    A peeling cast-iron battery will ruin the interior of any room — even if it has been redecorated. After re-painting, there is a risk of only exacerbating the problem, since fresh enamel will emphasize the relief of the battery. The only option is to remove the old paint from the battery, prime it and re-paint…

  • Compare gypsum and cement plaster

    Compare gypsum and cement plaster

    We decided to ask the experts if there is a fundamental difference between gypsum and cement plaster, and whether they can be combined. The opinions of the builders turned out to be contradictory, but we were able to draw some conclusions for ourselves. In both cases, we are talking about solutions used to level walls…

  • Compare OSB and drywall

    Compare OSB and drywall

    Drywall and OSB — slabs of gypsum and wood, respectively. They have a similar scope and are intended for wall cladding, slab shaping, leveling floors, creating ceilings and similar construction operations. However, with a general similarity, OSB and drywall are designed for different purposes. To compare OSB and drywall, consider these materials in detail. Advantages…

  • Compare plywood and chipboard

    Compare plywood and chipboard

    The level of quality of floor finishing depends to a large extent on the type of finishing material chosen. Plywood and chipboard have been holding the palm for a long time. How to assess the relevance of the use of a particular material? To do this, you need to have an idea about the features…

  • What is better blinds or roller blinds: comparison and choice

    What is better blinds or roller blinds: comparison and choice

    Blinds and roller blinds are an alternative to traditional fabric curtains on windows. However, each of these stylish interior accessories has advantages and disadvantages. Our experts have analyzed the properties and features of each type, which will help you make a choice that meets your tastes and preferences. First of all, you need to know…

  • Compare parquet and solid board

    Compare parquet and solid board

    Parquet and solid board are similar wood materials used for flooring, however, they have significant differences, advantages and disadvantages. Our experts — specialists in the field of construction and repair, have made a comparative analysis of the properties of these materials, which will help you make a choice when choosing one or another material. We…

  • Compare sugar and sweetener |  Pros and cons

    Compare sugar and sweetener | Pros and cons

    Sugar is now found in almost all products. It is added to baked goods, canned food, marinades, sauces, sausages and much, much more. You can meet glucose even in those dishes where it — in theory — should not be. Just sugar is both a flavor enhancer, and a preservative, and just a food additive.…

  • Comparing white and black sesame

    Comparing white and black sesame

    Sesame (also called «sesame») is a familiar seasoning that is used in a wide variety of dishes. However, for some time now, several varieties of it can be found on store shelves. Particularly white and black. At the same time, black sesame is positioned as more useful, fragrant and tasty. But many housewives and owners…

  • Comparing complex and simple carbohydrates

    Comparing complex and simple carbohydrates

    Probably, every person interested in their health and figure knows that it is very important to control the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet. Only in this case, you can save or improve your forms. But as soon as you start to understand the diet more deeply, it turns out that everything…