How to remove old paint from a battery

How to remove old paint from a battery

A peeling cast-iron battery will ruin the interior of any room — even if it has been redecorated. After re-painting, there is a risk of only exacerbating the problem, since fresh enamel will emphasize the relief of the battery. The only option is to remove the old paint from the battery, prime it and re-paint it.

We have prepared a list of recommendations that will help you quickly remove old paint from the radiator.

How to remove old paint from a battery

Key points

Removing paint from the battery (as well as repainting it) is permissible only after the heating season. If the battery is heated, then the wash will be ineffective, and the applied paint will quickly move away from its surface without even drying. In addition, working with a hot battery is unsafe — there is a risk of severe burns.

To remove old paint you need:

  1. metal spatula;
  2. brush with wire bristles;
  3. thickened fabric and rubber gloves;
  4. high quality safety goggles
  5. respirator;
  6. as many old rags as possible.

If paint removal is carried out after a repair, then cover the surfaces adjacent to the battery with film or old newspapers. Otherwise, the smell from harmful solvents will quickly be absorbed into the surface of the wallpaper.

Before you begin to remove the paint, wipe the battery well to remove dust and pieces of paint that are already moving away on their own.

How to remove old paint from a battery

There are 3 options to quickly remove old paint from the battery.

chemical method

Hardware stores sell chemical compounds — liquid and aerosol. Aerosol is optimal for processing cast-iron radiators, since the places between its fins are much easier to process with a jet, and not with a brush. Liquid formulations are suitable for plate radiators. When using liquid products, it is forbidden to pour them into plastic containers — you can take them from the factory container.

It is possible to work with chemical compounds only if the room is well ventilated. Be sure to wear a respirator, goggles, rubber and fabric gloves. Fabric products are necessary, as harmful compounds eat through rubber products in a short time.

Additionally, it is necessary to protect furniture, flooring, walls, so that particles of the product do not get on them when spraying the aerosol.


  1. Apply any of the selected compounds to the surface of the battery. Make sure that the product does not get on the rubber gaskets. Otherwise, they may be damaged, which will lead to leakage in the battery;
  2. Wait approximately 15 minutes;
  3. Remove loose paint particles with a spatula or brush;
  4. Remove paint residue with a cloth;
  5. Wash the radiator with soapy water and wait until it dries.

The disadvantage of the chemical method is harm to health. In addition, such compositions eliminate only the top layer of paint. If the battery has been painted several times, you will have to repeat the procedure to eliminate each layer.

mechanical method

How to remove old paint from a battery

This is one of the most effective ways to remove paint. It is enough to take a sharp spatula and, moving it from the bottom up, scrape off the old paint. However, this method is convenient with smooth pipes — with embossed pipes it is too difficult.

You can use a drill, grinder, etc. Put a nozzle on the selected tool (do not forget to protect your face with a respirator and goggles) and clean the battery using medium speed.

The advantage of this method is the high speed of removing old paint, the disadvantage is the appearance of dust. In this regard, before carrying out the procedure, open the windows in the room and close the other doors in the apartment.

You can use a puncher with a spatula nozzle, but if you use the wrong approach, there is a risk of harming the radiator. In addition, these works are noisy — vibrations will be transmitted through the riser.

Washes when choosing a mechanical method can not be used. The rest of the funds, together with the dust from the paint, will cover the entire room, which in the future will cause great harm to health.

thermal method

This method involves the use of a blowtorch. It quickly heats up the paint, but after that it starts to burn, which leads to unsafe fumes, soot and a harmful smell. We recommend using this method only if you have the opportunity to take the radiator outside.

If you have to carry out such manipulations at home, take all necessary security measures. Heated to maximum temperatures, the paint begins to emit not only a pungent odor, but also substances hazardous to health. Make sure the room is adequately ventilated. Also, this method will require the presence of an assistant, because it is difficult to work with a lamp and a spatula alone.

Some advise using a building hair dryer — allegedly hot air heats the paint, which begins to separate from the battery. However, in practice, this method is suitable for removing only the paint that is already moving away from the surface of the radiator.

Additional Tips

It is not always advisable to completely remove the paint from the radiator. Sometimes it is enough to remove clearly outgoing pieces with a spatula, and then grind the adjacent areas using sandpaper.

Sandpaper will also help eliminate thick streaks of the previous paint. For cosmetic repairs, minimal cleaning is enough, which does not require the use of harmful chemicals or specialized tools.

The surface of a cast iron battery will be uneven even if the paint is completely removed. To ensure maximum adhesion of the paintwork, an additional primer will be required.

To remove paint in hard-to-reach places, a mechanical method is suitable. Prepare medium-grain sandpaper and a wooden lath. Pull sandpaper over the rail and pass it between the ribs of the battery. And when using the chemical method, a narrow spatula is required to clean hard-to-reach places in the battery.


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