Метка: feeling

  • How to iron a sheet with an elastic band: 6 best ways

    How to iron a sheet with an elastic band: 6 best ways

    With the advent of sheets with an elastic band, the life of housewives was divided into “before” and “after”. The beds began to look perfect, like a stretched drum. But what is behind this beauty and how to achieve the perfect smoothness of the sheets, now let’s figure it out. If you are reading this…

  • Cottage cheese at night benefit and harm

    Cottage cheese at night benefit and harm

    We all know for sure that natural cottage cheese is quite useful for every person. But few people know when it is more useful. Our grandmothers advised to eat it in the morning. Or maybe more benefit from it at lunch or dinner? If you want to have a snack at night, is it possible…

  • Compare flock and velor |  What is best for sofa upholstery

    Compare flock and velor | What is best for sofa upholstery

    When creating a unique home interior, upholstered furniture plays a significant role. A luxurious, eye-catching sofa can be a subtle finishing touch to a room’s design. And for this, its upholstery must be well chosen. Among the most commonly used materials for sofa upholstery are flock and velor. But which one is better? Our experts…

  • Comparing Chlorella and Spirulina

    Comparing Chlorella and Spirulina

    The desire for a healthy lifestyle leads to the fact that many people are forced to abandon standard products — they do not have the proper energy value or do not contain the necessary trace elements and nutrients. And then the diet needs to be supplemented with something else. Algae are good dietary supplements. These…

  • Compare chum salmon and pink salmon

    Compare chum salmon and pink salmon

    Red fish is not only a delicacy, but also a very useful product. It contains a huge amount of vitamins, fatty acids, trace elements and other important nutrients. However, «red fish» is a common name for a huge number of salmon varieties. So, salmon, pink salmon, sockeye salmon, salmon, chum salmon, trout and many other…

  • Compare coffee and chicory

    Compare coffee and chicory

    In disputes about the danger, harmfulness or harmlessness of coffee, many copies have been broken. They say that it acts on the cardiovascular system, and irritates the gastric mucosa, and causes addiction. But at the same time, coffee, like no other drink, helps to cheer up, wake up and improve vitality. And he’s delicious too.…

  • Comparing complex and simple carbohydrates

    Comparing complex and simple carbohydrates

    Probably, every person interested in their health and figure knows that it is very important to control the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet. Only in this case, you can save or improve your forms. But as soon as you start to understand the diet more deeply, it turns out that everything…

  • What is the difference between fast carbs and slow carbs?

    What is the difference between fast carbs and slow carbs?

    Carbohydrates are a heterogeneous concept, since they are divided into two large groups, known to most as fast and slow, although there are also medical terms: “simple” and “complex”, respectively. What is the difference between them, and how do they affect the body? Our experts have found answers to all questions. About carbohydrates and the…

  • Comparing oat and wheat bran

    Comparing oat and wheat bran

    For a long time, the hard seed coat was considered only a husk and was thrown away as garbage. Only at the end of the last century did bran become an integral part of the diet of those who care about the state of their gastrointestinal tract. The whole world has learned that this product…

  • How to remove iodine from the skin quickly and safely

    How to remove iodine from the skin quickly and safely

    Iodine is in every home first aid kit, which is not surprising, since this drug is widely used to treat various skin lesions and for other medical purposes. The only drawback of this substance is that it stains fabrics, traces of it are very persistent. If iodine is applied intentionally, stains can still be put…