Метка: frying

  • 7 best electric frying pans — Rating 2022

    7 best electric frying pans — Rating 2022

    Dimen­sions. Before mak­ing a pur­chase, it is impor­tant to check the size of the elec­tric fry­ing pan. Large appli­ances are suit­able for large com­pa­nies or fam­i­lies, they will allow you to cook a large amount of food in a min­i­mum amount of time. For a small fam­i­ly or per­son­al use, it is bet­ter to choose…

  • 10 best frying pans

    10 best frying pans

    Cast iron — the most durable. A fry­ing pan from it can serve sev­er­al gen­er­a­tions. It heats up even­ly and stays warm for a long time. Fried foods are juicy on the inside with a crispy crust on the out­side. Cast iron can be cleaned with any abra­sive. The only down­side is the heavy weight.…

  • 8 best Russian manufacturers of frying pans

    8 best Russian manufacturers of frying pans

    Rating of the best Russian manufacturers of frying pans When select­ing nom­i­nees, we took into account the rep­u­ta­tion of the brand and the opin­ion of con­sumers. KUKMARA Rat­ing: 5.0 Kuk­mara has been in exis­tence since 1950. In the pro­duc­tion of fry­ing pans, only proven and safe raw mate­ri­als, high-tech man­u­fac­tur­ing process­es and mul­ti-lev­el qual­i­ty con­trol…

  • 10 best frying pans with a removable handle

    10 best frying pans with a removable handle

    How to choose a frying pan with a removable handle To make the pan con­ve­nient to use, the food in it does not burn and is well fried, when choos­ing, you need to pay atten­tion to sev­er­al char­ac­ter­is­tics. First of all, you need to choose the size. Fry­ing pans come in diam­e­ters from 16 to…