Метка: impact

  • How to iron a sheet with an elastic band: 6 best ways

    How to iron a sheet with an elastic band: 6 best ways

    With the advent of sheets with an elastic band, the life of housewives was divided into “before” and “after”. The beds began to look perfect, like a stretched drum. But what is behind this beauty and how to achieve the perfect smoothness of the sheets, now let’s figure it out. If you are reading this…

  • Coffee health benefits and harms

    Coffee health benefits and harms

    For many years there has been a debate about the benefits and harms of coffee. In Arabia, it used to be forbidden to eat grains, but popularity took over, the ban lost its force over the years. The drink is consumed in every corner of the world, there are many options for its preparation, but…

  • Which shuttle is better — vertical or horizontal

    Which shuttle is better — vertical or horizontal

    The shuttle mechanism is the heart of any sewing machine. It is from the design features of the shuttle that the most important characteristics of the device directly depend — speed, noise level, efficiency. In everyday life and industry, 2 main types of shuttles are used — vertical and horizontal. Each of them has both…

  • Compare gypsum and cement plaster

    Compare gypsum and cement plaster

    We decided to ask the experts if there is a fundamental difference between gypsum and cement plaster, and whether they can be combined. The opinions of the builders turned out to be contradictory, but we were able to draw some conclusions for ourselves. In both cases, we are talking about solutions used to level walls…

  • How to stretch a sweater that has shrunk after washing

    How to stretch a sweater that has shrunk after washing

    Now your favorite sweater is only the size of your five year old daughter? Or can it be used to make clothes for walking your dog? Familiar situation. If you are not yet ready to say goodbye to your favorite clothes, we will save them. We want to warn you that it is not always…

  • Compare suspended and stretch ceiling

    Compare suspended and stretch ceiling

    Whitewashed ceilings have long since sunk into oblivion, and wallpapering is not relevant. Suspension and tension structures are considered a more practical, durable and stylish option. But which one is better? Our experts dealt with this issue. Features of ceiling structures Suspended and tension type structures are used both as a decorative coating and…

  • Compare polystyrene and mineral wool

    Compare polystyrene and mineral wool

    Builders often argue about which insulation is better to choose for certain conditions. Some say — polystyrene, others insist on the good old mineral wool. In general, both options are great for home insulation, since they have almost identical thermal conductivity coefficients. But other than that, they are radically different. Our experts understood the question:…

  • Compare ondulin and corrugated board

    Compare ondulin and corrugated board

    When analyzing the materials used to cover the roof, we were faced with the fact that many developers cannot choose between ondulin and corrugated board. We will not give peremptory advice, since it is up to you to choose, but we will try to make this difficult choice easier by making a small comparison. The…

  • Comparing a laptop and a tablet with a keyboard

    Comparing a laptop and a tablet with a keyboard

    According to tablet manufacturers, in the age of modern technology, their products can completely replace conventional laptops in work, play, and household areas. At first glance, this is true: on a tablet, you can watch movies, type texts, work in programs similar to those that can be installed on a laptop. From it you can…

  • Compare fans 3 pin and 4 pin

    Compare fans 3 pin and 4 pin

    For those who have had to assemble computers — and there are many such people, and not all of them are system administrators or programmers — it was probably evident that some PC models have fans with 4 legs, while others have 3. This is not just a design idea — inside computer everything exists…