Coffee health benefits and harms

Coffee health benefits and harms

For many years there has been a debate about the benefits and harms of coffee. In Arabia, it used to be forbidden to eat grains, but popularity took over, the ban lost its force over the years. The drink is consumed in every corner of the world, there are many options for its preparation, but few people understand when coffee will be harmful and when it will be beneficial.

Health benefits of coffee


The most popular property of the drink is the stimulation of brain activity and the nervous system, which is caused by caffeine. Many people notice that coffee in the morning improves mood and gives strength, a clear head. This is due to the chemical composition and its effect on the brain. As a result, the release of serotonin increases. Coffee can be used as a natural psychostimulant or antidepressant, and serotonin helps to transmit information to brain cells better and more clearly.

Caffeine increases blood circulation. Many human organs receive more oxygen after a cup of drink. This also causes an accelerated metabolism and the breakdown of fats, which is well reflected in a person’s weight.

In addition to the main caffeine, the drink contains:

  1. oils;

  2. vitamins;

  3. acids.

The benefits of coffee have been proven more than one scientist, and for health it can be useful. Here are some of the effects on the body:

  1. improvement of the gallbladder;

  2. mild increase in intestinal peristalsis;

  3. reducing the impact of radioactive particles on the body;

  4. potassium retention;

  5. protection against the development of caries;

  6. slight improvement in potency;

  7. elimination of headaches;

  8. antioxidant action.

The benefit will be obtained only if coffee is consumed in moderation. An adult is allowed to drink no more than 3 cups per day. There is an opinion that the body needs caffeine, and if you remove products with this substance from the menu, then the person becomes irritable, frequent headaches occur. Along with this, the drink is not completely safe and there is a negative from drinking it.

Rules for controlling the effect of coffee on the body

Drinking coffee beans can have positive and negative effects on people. There are several reasons for this:

  1. grain type;

  2. roasting;

  3. preparation method;

  4. fortress;

  5. volume.

While drinking, both benefits and harms can have different effects on people, as there may be intolerance to the drink. Coffee itself tones, and doctors advise children, patients who have a diseased cardiovascular system, as well as those who are constantly anxious, sleep poorly, or have a disturbed psyche, to refuse.

Even coffee that does not contain caffeine should be excluded, since it will contain a minimum dose of such a substance, along with chemical additives that turn out to be even more harmful.

Otherwise, coffee can be drunk and there will be no harm from it if you know your rate per day. A few rules for controlling caffeine in the body:

  1. Use only 20-30 minutes after eating.

  2. It is better to drink coffee in the morning, before lunch.

  3. The volume per day is determined by each person personally, but you can get used to coffee, so 2 cups are considered the norm.

Scientists have proven that a large amount of coffee drunk leads to nervous exhaustion, which is caused by caffeine. Initially, the nervous system is stimulated, after which the drink destroys it. In many conclusions, scientists come to the conclusion that 1000 mg of caffeine per day is harmful to humans. For example, instant coffee will have up to 100 mg of caffeine per 1 cup, brewed coffee will have even more. The safe dose is 300 mg per day.

Harm coffee


Frequent drinking of coffee in large quantities can have negative consequences:

  1. The effect of excitation after coffee disappears after 2-4 hours, after which fatigue and depression appear. In the case of systematic use, nervous exhaustion begins. Similar effects appear in the case of consuming 1 liter per day or more.

  2. You can get used to the drink and be addicted to it, but this cannot be compared with a narcotic effect. “Withdrawal syndrome” with a quick refusal of the drink almost does not manifest itself and quickly passes, but there may be lethargy, pain in the head.

  3. The drink washes away nutrientsimpairs their absorption, especially the reserves of calcium, sodium and B vitamins. Vitamins or a proper balanced diet can be used to compensate.

  4. Stressaggression and overexcitation are the consequences of coffee in large quantities.

  5. Heart rhythm disorderrapid pulse and increased blood pressure.

  6. Dehydration, Because coffee is a diuretic. To preserve fluid in the body after coffee, it is recommended to drink a glass of water.

  7. Plaque on the teeth and their darkening.

  8. Diarrhea.

Women need to understand that the effect on their body will be different from the male, which is caused by the hormonal background. It has been proven that during critical days, a drink can do more harm than good. If the condition is normal, then coffee is very useful and will improve mood. It has a low calorie content and a cup a day will not affect the figure. Men due to the drink can get more physical strength, energy without harm to themselves.

Coffee with lemon

Many people like to add spices or other ingredients to coffee. One of these is the lemon. The drink is tastier, with a light citrus aroma. This recipe is called Roman, and it gives the following effect:

  1. invigorates more;

  2. includes many vitamins and minerals;

  3. eliminates the negative effects of caffeine on people.

However, a drink with lemon contributes to an increase in the acidity of the stomach.

Rules for choosing and storing coffee

The stores have ready-made coffee in ground form and beans, as well as several types of instant coffee. Many manufacturers offer a ready-made version in packages, where you can find out all the information about the grains. Immediately you need to look at the composition, description. The more information there is, the better and more honest the manufacturer.

Flavorings or dyes, other additives are unacceptable in the composition. There should only be coffee. You can determine its strength or bitterness by variety. Robusta has a pronounced bitterness and a lot of caffeine, Arabica is more pleasant, softer, more aromatic, it has a little less caffeine. Often they sell a mixture of varieties in a 50/50 ratio.

The packaging should be airtight to help preserve the aroma. As a result, loose product often smells worse. Storage in grains can be up to 1 year, only in glass or ceramic jars. It is forbidden to leave the product in the refrigerator, you need a dark, dry place.

The aroma in ground coffee evaporates quickly, so you need to store it less. If the smell is almost gone, you can chop it up more or add even more spoons to the Turk.

You can monitor the effects of coffee in a variety of ways. Initially, you need to choose the right grains with the right roast, the amount of caffeine. It is recommended to try several cooking recipes and find the best one for yourself. Such experiments allow you to find the best drink for yourself, from which you can only benefit.


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