Метка: refrigerator:

  • What is the ideal temperature for the refrigerator and freezer?

    What is the ideal temperature for the refrigerator and freezer?

    [ad_1] A refrig­er­a­tor, house­hold or pro­fes­sion­al, is designed to store food at low tem­per­a­tures to pre­vent the devel­op­ment of path­o­gen­ic microflo­ra and putre­fac­tive bac­te­ria. In the vol­ume of the refrig­er­a­tor, the tem­per­a­ture regime is set, which is favor­able for pre­serv­ing food for a cer­tain time. Let’s try to fig­ure out what tem­per­a­ture should be in…

  • How to remove the smell from the refrigerator at home?  What and how to wash?

    How to remove the smell from the refrigerator at home? What and how to wash?

    [ad_1] The refrig­er­a­tor is an indis­pens­able mir­a­cle appli­ance in the kitchen — it will delight you with fresh aro­mas if you take care of it prop­er­ly. This is easy to do not only with the help of ready-made chem­i­cals, but also using ordi­nary prod­ucts: lemon and cof­fee, vine­gar and herbs, fra­grant peels of cit­rus fruits.…

  • How to store food in the refrigerator: on which shelves and in which containers

    How to store food in the refrigerator: on which shelves and in which containers

    [ad_1] The vari­ety of prod­ucts on the shelves of the store does not leave any­one indif­fer­ent. Stock­ing up with whole carts of pro­vi­sions, we do not always think about how long the next yogurt or banana will have to lie at home. What is not eat­en, expired or miss­ing, goes straight to the trash can,…

  • The device and principle of operation of the refrigerator: two-chamber, absorption

    The device and principle of operation of the refrigerator: two-chamber, absorption

    [ad_1] The device, as well as the prin­ci­ple of oper­a­tion of the refrig­er­a­tor, is super­fi­cial­ly stud­ied in physics lessons, how­ev­er, not every adult can imag­ine how the refrig­er­a­tor works? Con­sid­er­a­tion and analy­sis of the main tech­ni­cal aspects will help in prac­tice to extend the life and improve the per­for­mance of a house­hold refrig­er­a­tor. Compression cooler…

  • How to hang the Indesit refrigerator door: instruction + video

    How to hang the Indesit refrigerator door: instruction + video

    [ad_1] You can hang the door on the refrig­er­a­tor with just a few steps. To remove the refrig­er­a­tor door and awnings, you will need very few tools and the abil­i­ty to use them. After remov­ing the door and hinges (canopies), you need to fix the hinges on the oth­er side, rearrange the han­dle, adjust the…

  • Replacing the seal in the refrigerator with your own hands.  How to replace tires correctly?

    Replacing the seal in the refrigerator with your own hands. How to replace tires correctly?

    [ad_1] The max­i­mum tight­ness of the refrig­er­a­tor is very impor­tant for its oper­a­tion. This tight­ness is achieved by installing an elas­tic rub­ber gas­ket around the perime­ter of the door. But noth­ing lasts for­ev­er, soon­er or lat­er it fails, and it becomes nec­es­sary to replace the seal in the refrig­er­a­tor. Signs of a failed seal You…

  • Why does ice freeze on the back wall in the refrigerator and what to do?

    Why does ice freeze on the back wall in the refrigerator and what to do?

    [ad_1] If ice freezes on the back wall in the refrig­er­a­tor, then often this indi­cates improp­er oper­a­tion of the house­hold appli­ance or the pres­ence of mal­func­tions of one kind or anoth­er. To find out the cause of ice freez­ing, you can call a repair­man or try to fig­ure it out your­self. Cooling mode set incorrectly…

  • Do-it-yourself refrigerator refilling with freon: instructions, safety rules

    Do-it-yourself refrigerator refilling with freon: instructions, safety rules

    [ad_1] If the refrig­er­a­tor sud­den­ly breaks down, it may turn out that coolant has leaked out. This is per­haps the most com­mon rea­son for the fail­ure of a house­hold appli­ance. It is not nec­es­sary to call the mas­ter, you can fill the refrig­er­a­tor with fre­on with your own hands with­out any spe­cial skills. To do…

  • Why does the refrigerator buzz and make noise?  What to do and how to reduce noise with your own hands?

    Why does the refrigerator buzz and make noise? What to do and how to reduce noise with your own hands?

    [ad_1] It does­n’t mat­ter what mod­el your fridge is, what mat­ters is how it works. If the refrig­er­a­tor makes noise, it is always unpleas­ant and rais­es con­cerns about its con­di­tion. But, even if the refrig­er­a­tor is very buzzing or mak­ing noise, this does not mean at all that it is bro­ken. Con­sid­er the caus­es of…

  • Refrigerator noise level: what should be the norm?

    Refrigerator noise level: what should be the norm?

    [ad_1] Often, when choos­ing a new refrig­er­a­tor, the buy­er does not pay atten­tion to such a cri­te­ri­on as the noise lev­el of the refrig­er­a­tor. An annoy­ing rum­ble can be an unpleas­ant sur­prise. Noise is the val­ue of the hum, expressed as a numer­i­cal val­ue. Mea­sured in deci­bels (dB). Less hum is pro­duced by the device…