Метка: what

  • What is better multicooker or double boiler?  Advantages and disadvantages of devices

    What is better multicooker or double boiler? Advantages and disadvantages of devices

    [ad_1] Man­u­fac­tur­ers of mod­ern house­hold appli­ances are in a state of fierce com­pe­ti­tion for each buy­er. At the same time, the lat­ter only win: devices are becom­ing more func­tion­al, and their prices are becom­ing more afford­able. There is only one “but” — do not get lost in the sea of ​​pro­pos­als and choose exact­ly what…

  • Convection in the microwave — what is this mode and is it needed in a microwave oven?

    Convection in the microwave — what is this mode and is it needed in a microwave oven?

    [ad_1] Con­vec­tion is a phe­nom­e­non asso­ci­at­ed with the trans­fer of inter­nal ener­gy through the move­ment of air — in the form of its streams and jets. It can be used as the prin­ci­ple of oper­a­tion of some modes in house­hold appli­ances. For exam­ple, con­vec­tion in a microwave oven. What it is? How is it car­ried…

  • The multicooker does not turn on: reasons and what to do?

    The multicooker does not turn on: reasons and what to do?

    [ad_1] Today, every house­wife has house­hold helpers in the kitchen. These include meat grinders, blenders, toast­ers, microwave ovens, etc. But they can sud­den­ly stop work­ing. For exam­ple, what to do if the mul­ti­cook­er does not turn on. What could be the rea­sons and how to solve them? Possible reasons There may be sev­er­al of them:…

  • What is the ideal temperature for the refrigerator and freezer?

    What is the ideal temperature for the refrigerator and freezer?

    [ad_1] A refrig­er­a­tor, house­hold or pro­fes­sion­al, is designed to store food at low tem­per­a­tures to pre­vent the devel­op­ment of path­o­gen­ic microflo­ra and putre­fac­tive bac­te­ria. In the vol­ume of the refrig­er­a­tor, the tem­per­a­ture regime is set, which is favor­able for pre­serv­ing food for a cer­tain time. Let’s try to fig­ure out what tem­per­a­ture should be in…

  • The microwave does not heat up but works: what to do, what is the reason?

    The microwave does not heat up but works: what to do, what is the reason?

    [ad_1] The prob­lem with using microwave ovens is that each one can even­tu­al­ly stop work­ing. The main prob­lem is the fol­low­ing — the microwave has stopped heat­ing, but it works, it spins the plate. And it seems that they did every­thing right: the oven turns on, the microwave turns the tray, the light is on,…

  • How to remove the smell from the refrigerator at home?  What and how to wash?

    How to remove the smell from the refrigerator at home? What and how to wash?

    [ad_1] The refrig­er­a­tor is an indis­pens­able mir­a­cle appli­ance in the kitchen — it will delight you with fresh aro­mas if you take care of it prop­er­ly. This is easy to do not only with the help of ready-made chem­i­cals, but also using ordi­nary prod­ucts: lemon and cof­fee, vine­gar and herbs, fra­grant peels of cit­rus fruits.…

  • What is a blender for: submersible, stationary

    What is a blender for: submersible, stationary

    [ad_1] Today, a wide vari­ety of tech­nol­o­gy is pro­duced. But some devices are still puz­zling. For exam­ple, what is a blender for? It is believed that this is an attribute for young moth­ers or cock­tail lovers. But it is not so. What can a blender do When answer­ing the ques­tion of whether a blender is…

  • What microwave utensils can be used?  How to understand the label?

    What microwave utensils can be used? How to understand the label?

    [ad_1] The usu­al thing is heat­ing food, cook­ing using a microwave oven. How­ev­er, so that there are no sur­pris­es dur­ing the cook­ing process, microwave uten­sils should be select­ed very care­ful­ly. What mate­ri­als should be pre­ferred? And what to con­sid­er when choos­ing uten­sils? The nuances of products for microwave ovens The vari­ety of con­tain­ers cre­at­ed from…

  • Why does ice freeze on the back wall in the refrigerator and what to do?

    Why does ice freeze on the back wall in the refrigerator and what to do?

    [ad_1] If ice freezes on the back wall in the refrig­er­a­tor, then often this indi­cates improp­er oper­a­tion of the house­hold appli­ance or the pres­ence of mal­func­tions of one kind or anoth­er. To find out the cause of ice freez­ing, you can call a repair­man or try to fig­ure it out your­self. Cooling mode set incorrectly…

  • The multicook function in a multicooker: what is it and how to use the mode?

    The multicook function in a multicooker: what is it and how to use the mode?

    [ad_1] Do you want to know what kind of mode it is — a mul­ti­cook­er in a mul­ti­cook­er? Let’s fig­ure it out togeth­er. Note that some mod­els already have a built-in mul­ti-cook mode in the device, and it is called more sim­ply — “man­u­al”. How the multicooker expands the capabilities of the standard multicooker The…