Coffee health benefits and harms

Coffee health benefits and harms

For many years there has been a debate about the ben­e­fits and harms of cof­fee. In Ara­bia, it used to be for­bid­den to eat grains, but pop­u­lar­i­ty took over, the ban lost its force over the years. The drink is con­sumed in every cor­ner of the world, there are many options for its prepa­ra­tion, but few peo­ple under­stand when cof­fee will be harm­ful and when it will be ben­e­fi­cial.

Health benefits of coffee


The most pop­u­lar prop­er­ty of the drink is the stim­u­la­tion of brain activ­i­ty and the ner­vous sys­tem, which is caused by caf­feine. Many peo­ple notice that cof­fee in the morn­ing improves mood and gives strength, a clear head. This is due to the chem­i­cal com­po­si­tion and its effect on the brain. As a result, the release of sero­tonin increas­es. Cof­fee can be used as a nat­ur­al psy­chos­tim­u­lant or anti­de­pres­sant, and sero­tonin helps to trans­mit infor­ma­tion to brain cells bet­ter and more clear­ly.

Caf­feine increas­es blood cir­cu­la­tion. Many human organs receive more oxy­gen after a cup of drink. This also caus­es an accel­er­at­ed metab­o­lism and the break­down of fats, which is well reflect­ed in a per­son­’s weight.

In addi­tion to the main caf­feine, the drink con­tains:

  1. oils;

  2. vit­a­mins;

  3. acids.

The ben­e­fits of cof­fee have been proven more than one sci­en­tist, and for health it can be use­ful. Here are some of the effects on the body:

  1. improve­ment of the gall­blad­der;

  2. mild increase in intesti­nal peri­stal­sis;

  3. reduc­ing the impact of radioac­tive par­ti­cles on the body;

  4. potas­si­um reten­tion;

  5. pro­tec­tion against the devel­op­ment of caries;

  6. slight improve­ment in poten­cy;

  7. elim­i­na­tion of headaches;

  8. antiox­i­dant action.

The ben­e­fit will be obtained only if cof­fee is con­sumed in mod­er­a­tion. An adult is allowed to drink no more than 3 cups per day. There is an opin­ion that the body needs caf­feine, and if you remove prod­ucts with this sub­stance from the menu, then the per­son becomes irri­ta­ble, fre­quent headaches occur. Along with this, the drink is not com­plete­ly safe and there is a neg­a­tive from drink­ing it.

Rules for controlling the effect of coffee on the body

Drink­ing cof­fee beans can have pos­i­tive and neg­a­tive effects on peo­ple. There are sev­er­al rea­sons for this:

  1. grain type;

  2. roast­ing;

  3. prepa­ra­tion method;

  4. fortress;

  5. vol­ume.

While drink­ing, both ben­e­fits and harms can have dif­fer­ent effects on peo­ple, as there may be intol­er­ance to the drink. Cof­fee itself tones, and doc­tors advise chil­dren, patients who have a dis­eased car­dio­vas­cu­lar sys­tem, as well as those who are con­stant­ly anx­ious, sleep poor­ly, or have a dis­turbed psy­che, to refuse.

Even cof­fee that does not con­tain caf­feine should be exclud­ed, since it will con­tain a min­i­mum dose of such a sub­stance, along with chem­i­cal addi­tives that turn out to be even more harm­ful.

Oth­er­wise, cof­fee can be drunk and there will be no harm from it if you know your rate per day. A few rules for con­trol­ling caf­feine in the body:

  1. Use only 20–30 min­utes after eat­ing.

  2. It is bet­ter to drink cof­fee in the morn­ing, before lunch.

  3. The vol­ume per day is deter­mined by each per­son per­son­al­ly, but you can get used to cof­fee, so 2 cups are con­sid­ered the norm.

Sci­en­tists have proven that a large amount of cof­fee drunk leads to ner­vous exhaus­tion, which is caused by caf­feine. Ini­tial­ly, the ner­vous sys­tem is stim­u­lat­ed, after which the drink destroys it. In many con­clu­sions, sci­en­tists come to the con­clu­sion that 1000 mg of caf­feine per day is harm­ful to humans. For exam­ple, instant cof­fee will have up to 100 mg of caf­feine per 1 cup, brewed cof­fee will have even more. The safe dose is 300 mg per day.

Harm coffee


Fre­quent drink­ing of cof­fee in large quan­ti­ties can have neg­a­tive con­se­quences:

  1. The effect of exci­ta­tion after cof­fee dis­ap­pears after 2–4 hours, after which fatigue and depres­sion appear. In the case of sys­tem­at­ic use, ner­vous exhaus­tion begins. Sim­i­lar effects appear in the case of con­sum­ing 1 liter per day or more.

  2. You can get used to the drink and be addict­ed to it, but this can­not be com­pared with a nar­cot­ic effect. “With­draw­al syn­drome” with a quick refusal of the drink almost does not man­i­fest itself and quick­ly pass­es, but there may be lethar­gy, pain in the head.

  3. The drink wash­es away nutri­entsimpairs their absorp­tion, espe­cial­ly the reserves of cal­ci­um, sodi­um and B vit­a­mins. Vit­a­mins or a prop­er bal­anced diet can be used to com­pen­sate.

  4. Stressaggres­sion and overex­ci­ta­tion are the con­se­quences of cof­fee in large quan­ti­ties.

  5. Heart rhythm dis­or­derrapid pulse and increased blood pres­sure.

  6. Dehy­dra­tion, Because cof­fee is a diuret­ic. To pre­serve flu­id in the body after cof­fee, it is rec­om­mend­ed to drink a glass of water.

  7. Plaque on the teeth and their dark­en­ing.

  8. Diar­rhea.

Women need to under­stand that the effect on their body will be dif­fer­ent from the male, which is caused by the hor­mon­al back­ground. It has been proven that dur­ing crit­i­cal days, a drink can do more harm than good. If the con­di­tion is nor­mal, then cof­fee is very use­ful and will improve mood. It has a low calo­rie con­tent and a cup a day will not affect the fig­ure. Men due to the drink can get more phys­i­cal strength, ener­gy with­out harm to them­selves.

Coffee with lemon

Many peo­ple like to add spices or oth­er ingre­di­ents to cof­fee. One of these is the lemon. The drink is tasti­er, with a light cit­rus aro­ma. This recipe is called Roman, and it gives the fol­low­ing effect:

  1. invig­o­rates more;

  2. includes many vit­a­mins and min­er­als;

  3. elim­i­nates the neg­a­tive effects of caf­feine on peo­ple.

How­ev­er, a drink with lemon con­tributes to an increase in the acid­i­ty of the stom­ach.

Rules for choosing and storing coffee

The stores have ready-made cof­fee in ground form and beans, as well as sev­er­al types of instant cof­fee. Many man­u­fac­tur­ers offer a ready-made ver­sion in pack­ages, where you can find out all the infor­ma­tion about the grains. Imme­di­ate­ly you need to look at the com­po­si­tion, descrip­tion. The more infor­ma­tion there is, the bet­ter and more hon­est the man­u­fac­tur­er.

Fla­vor­ings or dyes, oth­er addi­tives are unac­cept­able in the com­po­si­tion. There should only be cof­fee. You can deter­mine its strength or bit­ter­ness by vari­ety. Robus­ta has a pro­nounced bit­ter­ness and a lot of caf­feine, Ara­bi­ca is more pleas­ant, soft­er, more aro­mat­ic, it has a lit­tle less caf­feine. Often they sell a mix­ture of vari­eties in a 50/50 ratio.

The pack­ag­ing should be air­tight to help pre­serve the aro­ma. As a result, loose prod­uct often smells worse. Stor­age in grains can be up to 1 year, only in glass or ceram­ic jars. It is for­bid­den to leave the prod­uct in the refrig­er­a­tor, you need a dark, dry place.

The aro­ma in ground cof­fee evap­o­rates quick­ly, so you need to store it less. If the smell is almost gone, you can chop it up more or add even more spoons to the Turk.

You can mon­i­tor the effects of cof­fee in a vari­ety of ways. Ini­tial­ly, you need to choose the right grains with the right roast, the amount of caf­feine. It is rec­om­mend­ed to try sev­er­al cook­ing recipes and find the best one for your­self. Such exper­i­ments allow you to find the best drink for your­self, from which you can only ben­e­fit.






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