How to spend fasting days on kefir

How to spend fasting days on kefir

For the body to work prop­er­ly, it needs to do fast­ing days. The time when you can choose one prod­uct to eat through­out the day. One of the best prod­ucts that you can use is kefir. If used cor­rect­ly, it will only ben­e­fit you. Dairy prod­ucts are quite cheap, healthy, inex­pen­sive and have a low calo­rie con­tent.

How to spend fasting days on kefir


3 basic rules for preparing the body for a kefir diet

Those who want to do this for the first time often eat well the day before, so that lat­er they don’t real­ly want to eat. But this is not the right approach, since the diet will not be of any use. In order for the fast­ing day to be as effec­tive as pos­si­ble, it is worth observ­ing 3 basic rules:

  1. Increase the amount of flu­id you drink. Before you spend the day on kefir, start drink­ing more water. Min­er­al water with­out gas­es or even ordi­nary water will suit you. This will help the body start unload­ing in the morn­ing and get the max­i­mum result.

  2. Choose a mod­er­ate din­ner. Unload­ing will take place only one day, but since the evening of the pre­vi­ous day it is bet­ter not to eat food that is high in fats and car­bo­hy­drates. You can replace it with pro­tein prod­ucts.

  3. Plan a mea­sured dai­ly rou­tine. On a fast­ing day, new food will not enter the body, so there will be less strength. Post­pon­ing all phys­i­cal and emo­tion­al stress, the body will fight with excess weight, and not solve press­ing prob­lems.

After phys­i­cal and moral prepa­ra­tion, it is worth choos­ing the right fer­ment­ed milk prod­uct.

Many peo­ple think that it is bet­ter to choose fat-free kefir, as it is bet­ter suit­ed for a fast­ing day. But in real­i­ty it is not so impor­tant. On the con­trary, experts rec­om­mend choos­ing kefir with 2.5% fat. There are more nutri­ents in such cot­tage cheese, so after eat­ing it, you will feel full longer.

It is more impor­tant when choos­ing a fer­ment­ed milk prod­uct to look at the date of man­u­fac­ture and expi­ra­tion date. It is worth choos­ing the prod­uct for which 14 days have not passed since the date of man­u­fac­ture. It will be more effec­tive for weight loss, and it also con­tains ben­e­fi­cial lac­tic acid bac­te­ria that the body needs so much.

What is the benefit of a fasting day using kefir?

Among all the prod­ucts that are eat­en dur­ing weight loss, kefir has shown itself to be one of the best. Over many years of test­ing, a num­ber of ben­e­fits of this prod­uct for the human body have been noticed:

  1. Kefir is quite a nutri­tious prod­uct. After you drink it, you don’t feel hun­gry for a long time.

  2. This prod­uct can count up to 500 trace ele­mentsthat have a pos­i­tive effect on the body. Thanks to them, you start to lose weight, but do not harm your­self. The result can be seen much faster than in oth­er cas­es, but at the same time it is not so dif­fi­cult for you both men­tal­ly and phys­i­cal­ly.

  3. In addi­tion to what you willthrow extra pounds, kefir cleans­es the skin. Eat­ing var­i­ous foods, we accu­mu­late many dif­fer­ent unnec­es­sary tox­ins. They are col­lect­ed and not dis­played, but appear in the form of var­i­ous rash­es. Kefir cleans­es the intestines and the entire diges­tive tract and removes tox­ins from the body. After some time, you will be able to notice how your skin has recov­ered, with­out the use of spe­cial prod­ucts.

Kefir diet gives a good result. But do not over­do it and “sit” on it until you bring the body into the desired shape. For weight loss, it is cor­rect to do 1 or 2 unload­ing of the body per week. Hav­ing received the desired form to main­tain it, it is worth doing fast­ing days 1 time for 10 to 20 days.

How to do a fasting day?

How to spend fasting days on kefir


Here you need to prop­er­ly pre­pare for this day. By fol­low­ing these rules, after some time you will be able to see a pos­i­tive result. The main thing to always remem­ber is that you need:

  1. Drink more liq­uid. You can drink not only one kefir. On this day, you can drink var­i­ous herbal teas, green tea, reg­u­lar and non-car­bon­at­ed min­er­al water. Thus, tox­ins will be removed much faster.

  2. Salt and sug­ar are not rec­om­mend­ed. These two ele­ments retain water, there­by pre­vent­ing the flu­id from remov­ing tox­ins from the body. There­fore, dur­ing weight loss, it is for­bid­den to use these two prod­ucts. Sug­ar can be replaced with nat­ur­al hon­ey, but you should not get car­ried away with it. After all, bee­keep­ers often feed bees with sug­ar, so there is a lot of it in hon­ey.

  3. Dine on kefir. With this diet, it is allowed to add oth­er prod­ucts to kefir, but with­out sug­ar and salt. But for din­ner it is bet­ter to leave only kefir. So the stom­ach will quick­ly digest the fer­ment­ed milk prod­uct and then be able to rest. Din­ner should be no lat­er than 6–7 pm. So you will give the body the oppor­tu­ni­ty to digest all the food and take a break from this process, and focus on burn­ing extra pounds.

The best result will be if you choose only a kefir diet, with­out adding oth­er prod­ucts. At this time, you can drink water, green tea and teas based on var­i­ous herbs. With this approach, an aver­age per­son los­es 2 kg of weight. But not every­one can with­stand such a load on the body, so there are some vari­a­tions of the kefir diet, in which oth­er foods are allowed. The result will be a lit­tle less, but it will be eas­i­er on the body and still the result will be good. There are sev­er­al options for prod­ucts that can be added to kefir.

For exam­ple, every­one is free to choose any fruit that he likes, except for grapes and bananas. It is impor­tant that it is no more than 1 kg of fruit and they need to be divid­ed into 4–6 serv­ings that you will eat through­out the day. Prac­tice shows that as a result, you can lose from 1 to 1.5 kg of weight.

Cot­tage cheese gives the body a lot of ener­gy, so you will not feel so hun­gry. It is believed that this is a fair­ly safe type of weight loss. The main thing is to drink only 1 liter per day. kefir and eat 400 g of low-fat cot­tage cheese. You will lose weight by about 1 kg, but if you are unload­ing for the body for the first time in your life, then this option will be the best.

The main restrictions in the kefir diet

Kefir diet gives a good result only when it is used cor­rect­ly. But it is also impor­tant to remem­ber that not every­one can drink fer­ment­ed milk prod­ucts. There­fore, you should not engage in such unload­ing for those who have gas­tri­tis, stom­ach ulcers, or a per­son who is lac­tose intol­er­ant. You also need to be care­ful with obe­si­ty and anorex­ia.

In gen­er­al, if there are any chron­ic dis­eases of the diges­tive sys­tem, then before spend­ing a fast­ing day on kefir, it is bet­ter to con­sult a doc­tor so as not to harm the body. In addi­tion, there are restric­tions for teenagers. Since they have a grow­ing body, they do not always need this type of diet. It is also not rec­om­mend­ed to lose weight with kefir for preg­nant and lac­tat­ing moth­ers. For them, there are oth­er diet options that will be bet­ter for weight loss.

What result can be expected after a kefir diet?

The whole point of this diet is to lose weight. Usu­al­ly, up to 2 kilo­grams are tak­en away from the diet every day and this does not harm the body. The main thing is to fol­low all the rules in order to sta­bi­lize the weight and estab­lish a diet. After all, the whole point of the diet is that dur­ing its appli­ca­tion, the intestines are cleaned and all tox­ins are removed. Excess water is removed from the body.

With the help of such a diet, we cleanse the body, but do not leave it com­plete­ly with­out nutri­ents. Every­thing super­flu­ous is removed, but at the same time the next day there is still strength and the per­son does not “pounce” on food, because yes­ter­day he did not eat it. The first times are always more dif­fi­cult, as the body must get used to such clean­ings. But this is not a 100% hunger strike, after which the body, on the con­trary, will store fat mass. Your body will under­stand that the nutri­ents are com­ing in, but at the same time all the excess is being removed from the intestines. As a result, you lose extra pounds, main­tain the desired shape and cleanse the skin.






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