How to identify skin cancer — 5 main signs


How can you tell if a person has cancer by looking at their face? The cosmetologist and plastic surgeon Olga Ovanesova spoke about the most obvious external manifestations of the disease in an interview with

Despite the fact that cancer can occur in a latent form, this does not mean that the body does not send «alarm» signals. A doctor can diagnose the disease, but you can prevent its development yourself. About the presence of a malignant tumor can say:

  • Pain at the site of injury;
  • Decreased appetite;
  • Temperature increase (local or general);
  • Increased fatigue;
  • Exhaustion, causeless weight loss;
  • Enlarged lymph nodes.

At the same time, in addition to general signs, the primary indicator is an external change in the skin.

Painful skin tone

“(In a patient — Approx. ed.) the quality of the skin changes — it becomes thinner, flaky, takes on a parchment, emaciated and flabby appearance. This is because fatty tissue is depleted and blood vessels do not work well, ”notes doctor Olga Ovanesova.

By appearance, you can identify various diseases. So, a purplish skin tone, as a rule, indicates hypertension and alcohol abuse. In cancer patients, the skin often acquires a gray-purple color. Also, pale gray and dry skin is found in smokers, and yellowing of the skin indicates liver diseases.

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Skin condition also provides information about what kind of food a person eats. If a person consumes unhealthy food, then often this is expressed in characteristic an unpleasant odor that is released with sweat through the pores.

«Suspicious» moles and pigmentation

A striking marker that there may be a malignant tumor in the body are strange moles.

“The uneven contours of the mole, its change in size, uneven pigmentation, loss of hair in this area, itching or pain should alert you. If the mole began to grow actively, then it should not be damaged in any way, ”the doctor warns.

These signs may indicate melanoma, skin cancer. In this case, the oncodermatologist is engaged in the treatment. The main task is to avoid mechanical damage and protect the malignant nevus from the sun.

Brittle nails and non-healing wounds

An alarming sign of oncology is the slow regeneration of the skin. If the wounds do not heal for several weeks or even months, then you should immediately see a doctor. Also, the appearance of black or brown pigmentation under the nails cannot be ignored.

“Experienced therapists in appearance are able to determine what health problems a particular person has. — says Ovanesova. — Even your nails can tell about this — whether they exfoliate or not, how brittle, and also whether the skin around the fingers is elastic. It happens that twenty-year-olds have the same body as fifty-year-olds, and vice versa.







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