How to remove paint from linoleum

How to remove paint from linoleum

Linoleum is a soft, delicate and not resistant to mechanical damage material. At the same time, it is very common, as it is inexpensive, easy to care for. During the repair, it is enough to cover the linoleum with a film to protect it from paint ingress. But if she still stained the coating, you need to know how to quickly and without harm to the coating to eliminate it.

How to remove paint from linoleum

Types of linoleum

The type of linoleum itself also affects how to wipe off the paint:

  1. If the material is cheap, then its top layer is made of polyvinyl chloride, thixotropic paint and varnish. Such linoleum does not tolerate solvents, which contain chlorinated hydrocarbons and nitro compounds. If you use these tools, then there is a risk of accidentally erasing the protective varnish from the linoleum.

  2. Commercial, semi-commercial linoleum has a melamine resin or polyurethane film. This material is used in public places. Cleaning such a coating is simplified, but there is still a chance of damaging its surface.

Regardless of the type of linoleum, it must be cleaned quickly — otherwise the pattern from the surface of the material will disappear, and an ugly white spot will appear instead.

Attention! Hot water cannot be used to remove dirt, otherwise it will destroy the shine of the linoleum surface.

How to remove a fresh paint stain

There are several ways to help you quickly get rid of a fresh stain.

  1. Solvent White spirit, refined gasoline, ammonia. It is enough to wet a soft cloth with a solvent and wipe the stain from the surface of the linoleum. However, care must be taken, as the active chemical composition risks damaging the material. It is best to pre-test the solvent on an inconspicuous area of ​​linoleum and make sure that the color and texture are preserved.

  2. Conditioner for washing clothes. It can be used instead of a solvent. Mix the conditioner with water in equal proportions, soak a cloth in it and apply it to the surface of the linoleum. Once the paint is soft, start rubbing the stain until it is completely gone.

  3. Acetone. It is necessary to moisten a cotton swab in the selected product and lightly wipe the stain. The remains of the product are removed with a damp cloth. If the linoleum is too sensitive to the effects of chemistry, then the maximum time it comes into contact with acetone is up to 2 minutes.

  4. Soap solution. It is necessary to soak the shavings of laundry soap in water and add a little soda. The procedure is the same: wet a rag, wipe the contaminated area with it, remove paint residues with a damp cloth.

  5. table vinegar. Add the vinegar solution to the fabric and start rubbing the paint stain. If paint remains on the surface of the linoleum, use a knife.

If a small drop of paint has just appeared on the linoleum, do not rub it with a napkin or rag. First, blot it with paper or a cloth to remove most of the paint.

Next, take a wooden stick, attach a cotton swab to its end and remove the stain, being careful not to rub it at the edges.

What to do if the stain has dried out

If the paint has already had time to soak in and harden, try simply covering the stain with carpet or furniture.

You can try to cut off the top layer of linoleum, but in this case there is a high risk of completely spoiling the coating. It is necessary to take a sharply sharpened knife and carefully cut the stain so that only the top layer of the painted material is exposed. Careful pruning will ensure that the defect is invisible.

If the paint has spread in a thin layer, try using a scraper or brush — but part of the decorative coating will also peel off.

Another option to get rid of a thin layer of paint is to soak a cloth in solvent and apply it to the stain for a short time. It is not necessary to hold the fabric for too long, otherwise the coating will be damaged.

You can use acetone:

  1. Soak a cloth in acetone and apply it to the stain for 10 minutes.

  2. After peeling off the paint, use a metal brush or scraper — but so as not to damage the surface of the linoleum.

If the linoleum is already old, then it is probably worn out, and there are many small cracks on its surface. In this situation, accidentally spilled paint will soak faster and deeper. In this case, it is better to simply update the linoleum.

How to fix black streaks on linoleum

How to remove paint from linoleum

Usually this problem is typical for commercial linoleums.

There are several ways to remove stripes from shoes:

  1. regular school eraser;

  2. a solution of water with soda or detergent;

  3. ammonia;

  4. lemon juice;

  5. hydrogen peroxide.

If you are not sure how a particular linoleum will react to the selected product, test it on an inconspicuous area.

Features and nuances

If water-based paint gets on the surface of the linoleum, then it is enough to wipe it with a soft cloth or an ordinary paper towel. Such a tool is based on water, so it easily and quickly lags behind linoleum without leaving the slightest trace.

However, the matter becomes more complicated if oil paint based on drying oil gets on the surface of the linoleum. To eliminate pollution, you must:

  1. Remove the fresh top layer of the stain with a paper towel, which has not yet had time to be absorbed.

  2. Soak a rag in sunflower oil and place it on the remaining dirt.

  3. Prepare a soapy solution to remove paint residue by adding soda ash.

Dried oil paint can be removed with turpentine.

As for ink paint, it strongly eats into linoleum. At the same time, for the manufacture of such water-based paints, agents are used that increase the fluidity of the solution. Use soda ash or a chemical eraser to remove ink.

If the ink stain is fresh, it is enough:

  1. Blot the paint without flooding the stain with water.

  2. Let her dry.

  3. Take a cleaning agent, add vinegar and wet a stiff brush with the solution.

You can also use a weak solution of whiteness or ammonia. The coloring components after oxidation will become transparent, and the remnants of the product should be quickly washed off with cold water.

Finally, if varnish has got on the surface of the linoleum, then use a solution of water with acetone and vinegar to remove the stain. If the stain is small, then regular nail polish remover will do. In the case of pentaftel varnish, the situation is more complicated: there is a risk of damaging the pattern and texture. You can use dichloroethane if the linoleum is public.


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