How to wash sneakers

How to wash sneakers

Sneakers must be washed regularly, as pathogenic bacteria often multiply in these shoes due to sweating of the feet. As a result, a fungus may appear in the sneakers, an unpleasant odor may occur. Regular washing of shoes will ensure a beautiful appearance of sneakers, the absence of fungus and microbes, a repulsive smell.

We have prepared recommendations for proper washing of sneakers on a regular basis and for further care of them. Follow them to keep your shoes looking their best for a long time.

How to wash sneakers

Suitable mode for washing sneakers

The optimal modes for washing sneakers are gentle. Suitable «Hand wash», «Delicate wash». If your machine has a «Sports shoes» mode, use it. The speed of rotation of the drum should be minimal. As a result, the shoes will spin more slowly and the risk of damage is reduced.

In the absence of a suitable mode, washing should take a minimum of time. Do not tumble dry: shoes should dry naturally. Also, spinning risks breaking the machine.

Gels and liquid powders are suitable for washing sneakers. Such products are perfectly washed off regardless of the temperature of the water. After using them, the sneakers will not leave marks and streaks, unlike standard dry powders.

A suitable temperature for washing sneakers is between 30 and 40°C. If the temperature is too high, then the synthetics and glue can be damaged, and if it is too low, then the dirt will not be washed off.

Sneakers with membranes are also machine washable, but for washing, use products designed specifically for membranes. Compositions with wax, oil and fat cannot be used, as they reduce the vapor permeability of the membranes. To restore their properties, purchase individual impregnations: you can find them in sports and shoe stores.

It is forbidden to wash the following types of sneakers in the machine:

  1. Shoes with decorative stones, rhinestones: if these elements come off during washing, they will clog the drain;
  2. Illuminated sneakers: these shoes do not tolerate the effects of water;
  3. Sneakers with foam stickers, with reflective elements: such elements can easily peel off during washing.

The types of sneakers listed above are best cleaned by hand using dry cleaning methods.

Preparatory actions

If the sneakers still have a label, carefully study the information on it. The manufacturer will tell you how to wash the shoes, at what temperature, and whether machine wash is acceptable.

Before washing your sneakers, do the following:

  1. Loosen shoes, remove removable insoles if any;
  2. Rinse sneakers under running water;
  3. Make sure that there are no sand or stones inside the shoes. To do this, just punch a couple over the trash can. Grass, sand and other dirt can be easily removed with a damp cloth. If there are stains on the shoes, apply a special agent to the surface of the sneakers before washing;
  4. Place your sneakers in a dedicated laundry bag. As a result, during the torsion of the drum, the shoes will not beat against each other and against the walls of the machine. Laces and removable insoles can be placed in the same bag;
  5. The maximum number of pairs per wash is up to 2. If there are too many sneakers in the drum, then the shoes may be damaged during friction against the walls of the machine. Also, a too heavily clogged drum runs the risk of breaking the equipment.

Do not put pairs of sneakers that differ in color into the drum. Add 2-3 terrycloths and the same number of tennis balls to the drum. This will balance the drum, provide additional friction and improve the quality of the sneaker wash.

Before washing rag sneakers, you need to make sure that they are not subject to shedding. To do this, wipe the surface of the shoe with a damp cloth. If it is painted in the color of sneakers, then they must be washed carefully and manually.

If white sneakers are not completely washed, use an unnecessary toothbrush. Soak it in soapy water and go over the places of contamination.

Hand wash sneakers

When hand washing, do not soak sneakers, as well as use aggressive detergents. Otherwise, the shoes run the risk of sticking, deforming.

The water should be slightly warm. Wipe down shoes, laces and insoles. You can use a soap solution, and laundry soap is suitable for synthetic shoes.

Next, rinse the sneakers thoroughly under running tap water.

You should hand wash your leather sneakers as machine washing runs the risk of warping them.

Features and nuances

If the sneakers are made of leather or suede, then machine washing is prohibited. Washing such shoes is allowed only by hand. You can use room temperature water and some soap. Products with abrasive elements in the composition can not be used.

Suede sneakers are recommended to be washed only in a dry state, using a brush with a hard bristle. One side of the brush is designed to remove dirt, and the other — to provide hairiness.

After the sneakers are washed and dried, apply products designed specifically for the care of suede or leather to the surface of the shoes. Thanks to them, you will prevent drying out and waterlogging of sneakers.

To remove old dirt, use an alcohol solution or gasoline. A solution of baking soda or dishwashing detergent will help when dealing with grease stains. However, the first time you wash your shoes, you need to test the shoes: apply the solution to an inconspicuous area on the sneakers and check the reaction of the material.

How to dry your sneakers

How to wash sneakers

Place your washed sneakers in a well-ventilated room. Shoes should dry at room temperature. To speed up this process, stuff it with crumpled paper or place your sneakers in a shoe dryer.

Do not keep shoes near heat sources such as heaters. The same applies to a hair dryer: it is forbidden to use this device to speed up drying. Do not place sneakers in direct sunlight. Due to the increased temperature, the shoe material and the adhesive composition will be destroyed.

What to do if the sneakers began to smell

A special deodorant for shoes will help to quickly eliminate the unpleasant smell. You can also use hydrogen peroxide to lightly dampen the inside of your sneakers.

A standard wash in a machine or by hand will also eliminate odors, especially if it is done regularly.


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