Cottage cheese at night benefit and harm

Cottage cheese at night benefit and harm

We all know for sure that nat­ur­al cot­tage cheese is quite use­ful for every per­son. But few peo­ple know when it is more use­ful. Our grand­moth­ers advised to eat it in the morn­ing. Or maybe more ben­e­fit from it at lunch or din­ner? If you want to have a snack at night, is it pos­si­ble to do this with the help of cot­tage cheese? Now we will deal with all these and oth­er issues.

What is cottage cheese made of and what are its properties?

What is cottage cheese made of and what are its properties


First, milk is left to fer­ment, and kefir is obtained. When it is ready, it is heat­ed to sep­a­rate the whey and the curd itself. Fur­ther, with the curd mass, you still need to work in order to remove as much whey from there as pos­si­ble. From 0.5 l. milk can be obtained only 0.2 grams of cot­tage cheese. After obtain­ing the desired mass, preser­v­a­tives are added to store-bought cot­tage cheese, which extend the shelf life of the prod­uct.

There is also a dif­fer­ence between dif­fer­ent fat lev­els. If there is a cer­tain per­cent­age of fat con­tent, then the curd mass will be more nutri­tious. There­fore, ath­letes are advised to eat fat-free cot­tage cheese so that they do not gain excess weight and do not vio­late the diet.

To get more ener­gy, many advise eat­ing 1 glass of the prod­uct a few hours before train­ing. After all, casein (the main pro­tein of cot­tage cheese) is absorbed up to 5 hours, and all fats and car­bo­hy­drates give a good charge, so you should eat it before start­ing a work­out. Also, do not eat it more, since 1 glass is enough.

The fat­ter the cot­tage cheese, the high­er the per­cent­age of casein. In fat-free it is not less than 50%. There are also oth­er impor­tant ele­ments that help to recov­er after a work­out. There is also cal­ci­um, mag­ne­sium, potas­si­um, zinc and oth­er trace ele­ments that are use­ful for the body. They strength­en the car­dio­vas­cu­lar sys­tem, teeth, bones, hair, nerve cells and oth­er parts of the body.

Is there any benefit of cottage cheese at night?

Any food at night does not bring any ben­e­fit to the body. But many sim­ply do not have time to eat nor­mal­ly accord­ing to the sched­ule, so they have to eat before bed­time or at night. This affects the fig­ure and appear­ance of each of us. To make this din­ner as use­ful as pos­si­ble, you should choose the right thing for you to eat. Dairy prod­ucts often dif­fer in their com­po­si­tion, so they have a good effect on the body. There are var­i­ous addi­tion­al ele­ments in cot­tage cheese, such vit­a­mins as PP, H, B12 and B2. It also con­sists of 53% pro­teins, 37% fats, 10% car­bo­hy­drates.

Snack­ing cot­tage cheese even at night you can:

  1. Improve metab­o­lism.

  2. Fill the body with cal­ci­um and nor­mal­ize the func­tion­ing of the ner­vous sys­tem.

  3. It drowns out the feel­ing of hunger not only in the evening, but even in the morn­ing when you wake up.

  4. Thanks to amino acids, there will be no prob­lems with insom­nia.

  5. Increase body weight (which is why many ath­letes are advised to eat more cot­tage cheese).

Even tak­ing into account the fact that cot­tage cheese is quite use­ful for the body, it is worth eat­ing 100–200 grams in the evening. It is well absorbed, so the stom­ach will not digest this prod­uct for half the night.

The main rea­sons why you should choose cot­tage cheese for din­ner:

  1. With it, we quick­ly eat up and for a long time there is no feel­ing of hunger. There is one heav­i­est pro­tein in cot­tage cheese, which is digest­ed the longest — it is casein. There­fore, those who have din­ner with cot­tage cheese do not want to eat so much in the morn­ing.

  2. Thanks to trace ele­ments, metab­o­lism is accel­er­at­ed. For the pro­cess­ing of pro­teins, includ­ing casein, the body needs more strength and ener­gy. There­fore, he begins to take it from the body, accel­er­at­ing the metab­o­lism. As a result, you begin to lose weight faster and throw off those extra pounds.

  3. Dur­ing rest, more ener­gy is used. Ener­gy is need­ed for its func­tion­ing of the body at any time. If you are in train­ing, then the ener­gy con­sump­tion is much greater. But sci­en­tists con­duct­ed a study and noticed that with the reg­u­lar use of cot­tage cheese for din­ner, it increas­es ener­gy con­sump­tion dur­ing sleep. Thus, a per­son los­es weight even when he sleeps.

  4. The qual­i­ty of sleep improves. Curd con­tains a lot of tryp­to­phan. This is an amino acid that improves sleep, reduces the risk of insom­nia, anx­i­ety and depres­sion.

  5. With it, we increase the mass. Here we can name two impor­tant rea­sons that affect the growth of mass. The first is a large amount of cal­ci­um, which increas­es testos­terone lev­els. The sec­ond is a large amount of pro­tein. All this helps to build mus­cle mass, so cot­tage cheese is often advised to ath­letes in cer­tain sports.

  6. It burns fat. A study was con­duct­ed in which par­tic­i­pants had to eat cot­tage cheese 3 times a day. The result was quite inter­est­ing, since it lat­er became clear that these par­tic­i­pants began to lose weight faster. After all, the amino acid leucine helps burn fat, and build mus­cle mass.

There­fore, we can def­i­nite­ly say that cot­tage cheese is one of the best foods to burn excess fat and build mus­cle. It can be eat­en at any time, the main thing is if it is at night, then not much.

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What harm can supplements to cottage cheese bring?

Often we want to com­ple­ment or diver­si­fy the taste of cot­tage cheese by adding sug­ar, sour cream, jam or some­thing else sweet. As a result, we get a full-fledged dessert, which can cause not light­ness in the stom­ach, but even heav­i­ness. Eat­ing such food at night, we will not lose weight, but only add a few cen­time­ters to our waist. There­fore, if you want to add some­thing, then it is best to choose nat­ur­al hon­ey, then there will be no harm, but only one ben­e­fit.

What is the harm from cottage cheese, when eating it at night?

Cot­tage cheese is a use­ful prod­uct, but even it has some con­traindi­ca­tions. Some may have a dairy intol­er­ance or even an aller­gy, so they should not eat cot­tage cheese. Also, buy­ing a poor qual­i­ty prod­uct, we def­i­nite­ly will not get any ben­e­fit from it. Some­times, after eat­ing a fer­ment­ed milk prod­uct, some peo­ple notice bloat­ing. There­fore, after using it, see how you feel and whether it is worth eat­ing fur­ther.

If you do not notice intol­er­ance, and after eat­ing there is dis­com­fort in the stom­ach, then you should try anoth­er cot­tage cheese. Usu­al­ly this is due to a poor-qual­i­ty prod­uct such a reac­tion occurs. Nor­mal cot­tage cheese costs as much as 1 liter of milk, and is stored for no more than 1 week. If you see the pro­duc­tion time on the label and it is more than 1 week, and the cot­tage cheese is still con­sid­ered nor­mal, it means that some preser­v­a­tives were added there so that it does not dete­ri­o­rate.

Impor­tant! If there are kid­ney patholo­gies or ath­er­o­scle­ro­sis, then you can’t eat cot­tage cheese!

A few tips for a proper cottage cheese dinner

You need to think about why you want to eat it. Cot­tage cheese can have a dif­fer­ent effect if it is used in dif­fer­ent ways. We will talk about each of them.

For weight loss

In this case, you can eat it at any time. After all, it gives a feel­ing of sati­ety, and you will not want to eat for a long time. Thus, it will be eas­i­er for you to main­tain your weight or even lose weight. The main thing is to fol­low these rules:

To “kill hunger” a per­son needs to eat 25 g of pro­tein. This amount of pro­tein is con­tained in 200 grams of cot­tage cheese. If you are los­ing weight, then reduce the vol­ume of cot­tage cheese to 180 g. The main thing is to choose a prod­uct with a min­i­mum fat con­tent;

It is not nec­es­sary to choose fat-free cot­tage cheese, since the body still needs fats. It is best to choose from 1.8 to 5% fat;

Also speak­ing about eat­ing at night, cot­tage cheese is rec­om­mend­ed to be eat­en 2 hours before bed­time. You will have a feel­ing of sati­ety, but the stom­ach will not be clogged.

To increase muscle mass

To achieve this effect, cot­tage cheese can be eat­en 1 hour before bed­time. After all, mus­cles need both amino acids and pro­tein. By serv­ing it in the right amount, we help them recov­er and increase vol­ume. There­fore, it is bet­ter to eat 100–200 grams and take it with a fat con­tent of up to 3%. So your stom­ach will have time to digest part of the prod­uct and also rest dur­ing sleep.

As a result, we see that cot­tage cheese has many use­ful sub­stances. It can be eat­en both dur­ing the day and at night. The main thing is to eat the right amount of the prod­uct so as not to clog the stom­ach. Since if this is not fol­lowed, then your stom­ach may begin to hurt, which will also not be good. If there are no con­traindi­ca­tions and prob­lems, then this fer­ment­ed milk prod­uct will only help you dur­ing weight loss or an increase in mus­cle mass.

It is believed that a per­son needs to eat 1 glass of cot­tage cheese per day with a nor­mal diet. If you are gain­ing weight, then pro­tein or oth­er addi­tives are added to the cot­tage cheese, help­ing the mus­cles recov­er faster. But it already depends on what you are doing, what result you want to get. Many peo­ple like to add sug­ar and sour cream to cot­tage cheese. It is deli­cious, but dur­ing the diet it is for­bid­den to eat such a mix­ture.






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