What to eat sweet, so as not to harm the figure

What to eat sweet, so as not to harm the figure

Not all peo­ple can deny them­selves sweets. There are a large num­ber of dif­fer­ent prod­ucts that attract men and women, but the fig­ure suf­fers from them. Know­ing some rules, each per­son will be able to indulge in sweets, while not get­ting bet­ter.

The truth about sweets

The truth about sweets

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As stud­ies have shown sci­en­tists, many peo­ple who pre­fer sweets recov­er more slow­ly than those who do not con­sume such prod­ucts. They can main­tain weight, they are less prone to hyper­ten­sion. How­ev­er, this can be achieved if the body will receive from 15% of calo­ries with slow car­bo­hy­drates.

The main rea­son for the increase in body weight when eat­ing sweets is the pres­ence of fast car­bo­hy­drates in the com­po­si­tion, which quick­ly turn into glu­cose. The human body sim­ply does not have time to absorb it, and a sim­i­lar amount caus­es the appear­ance of body fat. Even in the usu­al sweets there are a lot of fats, which also neg­a­tive­ly affect the mass.

Rules for eating sweets

Fol­low­ing clear rules, each per­son will be able to reg­u­lar­ly eat sweets with­out harm to the body, the main thing is to do it in mod­er­a­tion. Exces­sive con­sump­tion, even diet sweets or cook­ies, caus­es the appear­ance of body fat. Basic Rules:

  1. Eat sweets before lunch or between 16:00 and 18:00. Such a diet will only ben­e­fit, because at this time a per­son needs more sug­ar for nor­mal work.

  2. The appear­ance of excess weight will be in the case of eat­ing sweets at night. It also dis­rupts sleep.

  3. On work­ing days, peo­ple spend a lot of effort, ener­gy and calo­ries, so the like­li­hood of get­ting bet­ter on week­days is less.

  4. Desserts to choose low-calo­rie, in which a min­i­mum of sug­ar.

  5. Elim­i­nate car­bon­at­ed drinks that con­tain sug­ar com­plete­ly from the diet.

  6. Keep track of the amount of sweets on the menu.

  7. Try to eat desserts and sweets only at those moments when the body needs it so that they do not turn into a bad habit.

  8. Refuse to eat sweets on an emp­ty stom­ach, so as not to pro­voke sharp jumps in sug­ar.

  9. A safe amount of sweets is 10% of the total calo­rie con­tent of the menu per day. For exam­ple, with a diet of 2000 kcal, 200 kcal of sweets are allowed.

It is worth remem­ber­ing that with a bal­anced diet, you will nev­er real­ly crave sweets.

Con­stant train­ing and con­trol of your own nutri­tion help to nor­mal­ize the pos­si­ble harm from sweets. For exam­ple, after 30 min­utes of exer­cise, the body needs car­bo­hy­drates, which is caused by a decrease in car­bo­hy­drates in the blood. At this time, sweets will only be a plus if you eat them in small quan­ti­ties.

8 fruits and vegetables that can replace sugar

Some may say that zuc­chi­ni or pump­kin are unsweet­ened foods. The rea­son for this is addic­tion to refined sweets. For those whose goal is to give up sweets, you will need to grad­u­al­ly change the palette of tastes and char­ac­ter­is­tics. Ini­tial­ly, the recep­tors will not be able to deter­mine the nat­ur­al sug­ar in veg­eta­bles and fruits, after a while the body will be cleansed, and the taste will change sig­nif­i­cant­ly. Veg­eta­bles will be sweet­er than many store-bought sweets.

Healthy sug­ar sub­sti­tutes include:

  1. dried figs — a very use­ful prod­uct, more use­ful than raw fruit. Great for peo­ple who fol­low the fig­ure, sat­u­rates the body well.

  2. Straw­ber­ry — a frozen or fresh prod­uct is suit­able for mak­ing desserts, smooth­ies. It con­tains many ele­ments that help to get rid of excess weight, there is vit­a­min C, ellag­ic acid, which restores the skin and slows down the aging process.

  3. Papaya - enriched with enzymes that are nec­es­sary for the diges­tive tract. The fruit is rec­om­mend­ed for peo­ple with dia­betes. If the fruit is very sweet, it con­tains a min­i­mum of sug­ar, and the glycemic index is very low.

  4. Apples - con­tains many antiox­i­dants that help fight rad­i­cals. B vit­a­mins reduce stress lev­els, improve mem­o­ry.

  5. Bananas — a good and sweet snack, suit­able for any dish­es. Con­tains fiber, many trace ele­ments and vit­a­mins. Helps to nor­mal­ize blood pres­sure due to potas­si­um and improves the func­tion­ing of the diges­tive sys­tem.

  6. Pump­kin — Suit­able for sal­ads, pies and oth­er dish­es. It con­tains a lot of fiber, a min­i­mum of calo­ries, there is sug­ar, but it is not deposit­ed in the body, there­fore it helps to lose weight.

  7. Car­rot — the main plus is the pres­ence of beta-carotene, a lot of fiber and oth­er sub­stances. Suit­able for juices or eat­en raw, in a sal­ad with an apple.

  8. Gar­net - use­ful fruit for strength­en­ing blood ves­sels and the immune sys­tem.

Sug­ar, which is con­tained in plant cul­tures, is its cor­rect form, which is eas­i­ly and eas­i­ly absorbed by humans. With it, you can get ener­gy for the whole day. The sug­ar in veg­eta­bles and fruits com­bines with oth­er ben­e­fi­cial sub­stances, which makes peo­ple health­i­er.

Sweet, which is not reflected in the figure

How to make a honey and cinnamon mask

In addi­tion to veg­eta­bles and fruits, there are a num­ber of prod­ucts that do not affect a per­son­’s weight. They can be eat­en safe­ly, but in mod­er­a­tion. The main ones are:

  1. Hon­ey — eas­i­ly replaces sug­ar, can be added to drinks or cere­als. The use does not cause the appear­ance of excess weight, and just 1 spoon can sup­press the desire to eat a bar or can­dy.

  2. Dark choco­late - We are talk­ing about bit­ter vari­eties. When choos­ing, you need to have cocoa from 70% or more. In this case, there will be no con­se­quences for the body. The prod­uct helps to reduce the like­li­hood of tumors, and is also use­ful for the func­tion­ing of the heart and blood ves­sels.

  3. Mar­malade - a high-calo­rie prod­uct, but com­plete­ly safe for the body. It allows you to cleanse the body of tox­ins and tox­ins, nor­mal­izes cho­les­terol, with no harm­ful fats.

  4. Zephyr - you need to eat with­out fillers, choco­late, etc. The main part of the com­po­si­tion is pro­tein, which every­one needs. Zephyr is a low-calo­rie sweet.

  5. Ori­en­tal sweets — eas­i­ly sat­is­fy hunger, use­ful because they do not con­tain sug­ar in a refined form (hon­ey, nuts and dried fruits).

  6. Ice cream — buy only the one that uses skimmed milk. Do not use options with fillers or choco­late. The safest type is fruit ice, it is bet­ter to cook at home based on fresh juice.

  7. Jel­ly — a great dessert that improves diges­tion. The prod­uct is low-calo­rie, but pos­si­ble harm can be reduced only in those sit­u­a­tions if the com­po­si­tion con­tains nat­ur­al ingre­di­ents.

On a diet, you can eat dried fruits in the form of dates, raisins or dried apri­cots. They are sweet and healthy, con­tain a lot of calo­ries, and it will be dif­fi­cult to con­sume more than 30–50 g.

There are so many options for desserts and oth­er treats that will not harm the body. In this case, you need to fol­low a sim­ple rule — mod­er­a­tion.






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