Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • TOP 7 Indesit dishwashers — 2020 rating, specifications, pros and cons, customer reviews

    TOP 7 Indesit dishwashers — 2020 rating, specifications, pros and cons, customer reviews

    [ad_1] Inde­sit dish­wash­ers are one of the most pop­u­lar brands in Rus­sia. The equip­ment from the Ital­ian brand has won the trust of con­sumers due to the build qual­i­ty, wide func­tion­al­i­ty and rea­son­able cost. The com­pa­ny’s line­up con­sists of a vari­ety of dish­wash­ers for every taste and bud­get. Distinctive features Most dish­wash­ers from Inde­sit are…

  • Furnaces for giving

    Furnaces for giving

    [ad_1] Clas­sic stoves for sum­mer cot­tages today, despite the wide vari­ety of heat­ing devices and sys­tems, enjoy well-deserved pop­u­lar­i­ty. It’s not even about sav­ing, because mod­ern fire­places and exclu­sive mod­els of stoves can cost sig­nif­i­cant­ly more both in terms of the price of appli­ances and instal­la­tion, and in oper­a­tion, when com­pared, for exam­ple, with a…

  • Blender review REDMOND RHB-2972: photos, specifications, pros / cons

    Blender review REDMOND RHB-2972: photos, specifications, pros / cons

    [ad_1] The blender is very pop­u­lar among buy­ers. It can eas­i­ly cope with grind­ing, chop­ping, whip­ping var­i­ous prod­ucts. The device has high pow­er and runs smooth­ly. It is also sta­ble and can­not slip out of your hands. Functionality REDMOND RHB-2972 The blender has two speed set­tings. It can grind, grind and whip foods. The set…

  • Overview of the Leran CDW 55–067 WHITE dishwasher: specifications, pros / cons

    Overview of the Leran CDW 55–067 WHITE dishwasher: specifications, pros / cons

    [ad_1] The ultra-com­pact dish­wash­er from Ler­an is the best-sell­ing in many online stores (mean­ing, it is from this size). Inex­pen­sive, reli­able, with a basic list of sup­port­ed fea­tures. Cre­at­ed specif­i­cal­ly for those who have a min­i­mum of free space, but do not have time to wash dish­es on their own. Functionality Leran CDW 55–067 WHITE…

  • Haier C2F637CFMV refrigerator review: photos, specifications, pros / cons

    Haier C2F637CFMV refrigerator review: photos, specifications, pros / cons

    [ad_1] This refrig­er­a­tor is made in a clas­sic design, and will har­mo­nious­ly fit into a mod­ern kitchen. The refrig­er­a­tor is a com­pact mod­el. The refrig­er­a­tor has three shelves, all made of durable glass. This mod­el has a high class of ener­gy effi­cien­cy. Functionality Haier C2F637CFMV The refrig­er­a­tor is equipped with the No Frost sys­tem, which…

  • Refrigerator air ionizer: principle of operation, types and specifications

    Refrigerator air ionizer: principle of operation, types and specifications

    [ad_1] Over time, unpleas­ant odors accu­mu­late in the refrig­er­a­tor, fun­gus and bac­te­ria devel­op, which caus­es food to spoil faster. The solu­tion can be an air ion­iz­er for refrig­er­a­tors, which suc­cess­ful­ly copes with over­com­ing the above prob­lems. purpose A refrig­er­a­tor is a closed space in which, soon­er or lat­er, chem­i­cal gaseous ele­ments will begin to accu­mu­late.…

  • Overview of the Electrolux ESF 9420 LOW dishwasher: photos, reviews, pros / cons

    Overview of the Electrolux ESF 9420 LOW dishwasher: photos, reviews, pros / cons

    [ad_1] Free­stand­ing nar­row dish­wash­er with con­denser dry­er. It is cal­cu­lat­ed on a simul­ta­ne­ous sink to 9 sets of ware. There is pro­tec­tion against leaks (due to a sealed case), as well as 5 sets of pro­grams. Avail­able in white col­or only. It is a mod­i­fied ver­sion of the 9420 ESF dish­wash­er, dif­fer­ing only in the…

  • Window repair services in Moscow at competitive prices

    Window repair services in Moscow at competitive prices

    [ad_1] The Moscow Win­dow Ser­vice com­pa­ny offers its cus­tomers high-qual­i­ty win­dow repair at the best prices. The mobile team work­ing in the com­pa­ny is engaged in the repair and main­te­nance of win­dow struc­tures made of alu­minum, PVC and wood from var­i­ous man­u­fac­tur­ers. All work is car­ried out exclu­sive­ly using brand­ed com­po­nents and con­sum­ables. Thanks to…

  • Blender Bosch MSM 26500.Photos, specifications, reviews, pros and cons.

    Blender Bosch MSM 26500.Photos, specifications, reviews, pros and cons.

    [ad_1] Blender Bosch MSM 26500 will allow you to get a smart pro­fes­sion­al result in min­i­mal time. Thanks to its pow­er, it will not be dif­fi­cult for you to grind nuts, herbs, hard cheeses, mix sauces or whip creams. It is use­ful even just for mak­ing an omelette, meringue or dough. And also because of…

  • Do-it-yourself dryer for vegetables and fruits: solar, infrared, from improvised elements

    Do-it-yourself dryer for vegetables and fruits: solar, infrared, from improvised elements

    [ad_1] Dry­ing is the old­est way to pre­serve fruits and veg­eta­bles. Ini­tial­ly, it was pro­duced only with the help of sun­light, but now spe­cial devices are used for this pur­pose — solar or infrared dry­ers. They can be pur­chased at the store, or you can make your own. How to do this, we will con­sid­er…

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