Метка: proteins

  • Cottage cheese at night benefit and harm

    Cottage cheese at night benefit and harm

    We all know for sure that natural cottage cheese is quite useful for every person. But few people know when it is more useful. Our grandmothers advised to eat it in the morning. Or maybe more benefit from it at lunch or dinner? If you want to have a snack at night, is it possible…

  • How to stretch a sweater that has shrunk after washing

    How to stretch a sweater that has shrunk after washing

    Now your favorite sweater is only the size of your five year old daughter? Or can it be used to make clothes for walking your dog? Familiar situation. If you are not yet ready to say goodbye to your favorite clothes, we will save them. We want to warn you that it is not always…

  • Comparing Chlorella and Spirulina

    Comparing Chlorella and Spirulina

    The desire for a healthy lifestyle leads to the fact that many people are forced to abandon standard products — they do not have the proper energy value or do not contain the necessary trace elements and nutrients. And then the diet needs to be supplemented with something else. Algae are good dietary supplements. These…

  • Compare coffee and chicory

    Compare coffee and chicory

    In disputes about the danger, harmfulness or harmlessness of coffee, many copies have been broken. They say that it acts on the cardiovascular system, and irritates the gastric mucosa, and causes addiction. But at the same time, coffee, like no other drink, helps to cheer up, wake up and improve vitality. And he’s delicious too.…

  • Comparing complex and simple carbohydrates

    Comparing complex and simple carbohydrates

    Probably, every person interested in their health and figure knows that it is very important to control the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet. Only in this case, you can save or improve your forms. But as soon as you start to understand the diet more deeply, it turns out that everything…

  • Comparing Omega-3s and Fish Oils

    Comparing Omega-3s and Fish Oils

    The human body constantly needs nutrients. Vitamins, minerals, fats, proteins, carbohydrates — all this comes with food and finds its place in metabolism. However, not all food contains a sufficient amount of useful substances — and not all useful substances are present in a person’s daily diet. Take, for example, the so-called «essential fatty acids».…

  • What is the difference between gelatin and agar-agar

    What is the difference between gelatin and agar-agar

    Cooking is more than an art or a science. On the one hand, to prepare a really tasty dish, you need to use strictly defined elements in the specified proportions. On the other hand, there is always some freedom of action, and some constituent element can be replaced by another. And that is why cooking…

  • Milk fat substitute (LMF) — benefit or harm

    Milk fat substitute (LMF) — benefit or harm

    Заменители молочного жира (далее – ЗМФ) – это растительные жиры, используемые для частичной замены молочного жира. Их сочетание должно быть эквивалентно ему по общим свойствам. Виды ХМЛ Основой заменителей является олеин, смешанный с другими жирами. Наиболее часто используемые масла: Подсолнечник;     соя;     Рапс;     пальма ядерная;     кокос;    …

  • Compare cauliflower and broccoli

    Compare cauliflower and broccoli

    Cauliflower and broccoli have some similarities in appearance and differ from all other varieties of cabbage (white, Peking, Brussels, kohlrabi, etc.). Some do not see any difference in them. However, they are two completely different vegetables with different chemical composition, taste, nutritional value and history. Our experts have learned all about broccoli and cauliflower and…

  • Comparing animal and vegetable proteins

    Comparing animal and vegetable proteins

    Proteins are the most important nutrients in the human diet. You can get them from both animal products and plant foods. But nutritionists warn that their value varies. Our experts found out how animal and vegetable proteins differ, what are their main sources and which ones are more valuable for the body. We also learn…