Compare insulation Ursa and Penoplex

Compare insulation Ursa and Penoplex

URSA and Penoplex are thermal insulation materials that can be used to insulate walls, foundations, roofs and other parts of a building. Despite the similar scope, they differ quite a lot in terms of composition and some operational features.

Therefore, before you go to the building materials store, you need to compare URSA and Penoplex and choose which insulation is best for your purposes.

Advantages and disadvantages of URSA insulation («Ursa»)

Insulation URSA

Heat insulator URSA («Ursa») is being developed in Germany. Its basis is glass fiber. However, the specific composition and characteristics of this material vary depending on its specific variety.

The company’s product range includes five lines of heat insulators:

  1. Geo. This series is characterized by high environmental friendliness and is therefore suitable for insulating houses made of environmentally friendly materials. However, this feature has made Ursa Geo a popular solution for the construction of private and multi-apartment buildings, office and commercial buildings;

  2. Pure On. Another solution that is well suited for use in private construction. It is made of mineral wool and due to the special texture it practically does not irritate the skin, eyes and mucous membranes;

  3. Terra. Special coating, which is carried out in the form of technical mats. It is focused on use in the construction of industrial facilities, insulation of sloping roofs and facades. Differs in excellent noise-insulating properties;

  4. seko. Rolled thermal insulator, which is used on sloping roofs, external walls and ceilings;

  5. XPS. Unlike other materials of the company, «Ursa» XPS is made not from mineral wool, but from extruded polystyrene. Thanks to this, it is universal and suitable for thermal insulation of almost all parts of the building.

All this makes materials from Ursa suitable for insulating shallow foundations, floors, brick, stone, sheathing and frame walls, as well as roofs. The material itself is distinguished by excellent thermal insulation properties, elasticity, lightness and low price.

Advantages and disadvantages of Penoplex insulation


Penoplex, unlike its predecessor, is made from extruded polystyrene. Therefore, it also has excellent thermal insulation qualities, is characterized by lightness and ease of installation. However, the use of extruded polystyrene somewhat changes the scope of this heat insulator.

Now there are four lines of this coating on the market:

  1. «Wall» («31» with flame retardant). Used for wall insulation (both external and internal) and plinth;

  2. «Foundation» («35»). It is installed on the basement and foundation of the building;

  3. «Roof» («35»). It is installed on roofs — flat, sloping and even inversion;

  4. «Comfort» («31C»). A universal solution that is suitable for the insulation of any part of the building.

  5. Fire retardant is a special substance that prevents the fire of a heat insulator. Therefore, the wall options of Penoplex are supplemented with it in the composition, which increases fire safety, but negatively affects the price.

Comparison of «Ursa» and «Penoplex»

These two materials differ from each other not only in the scope of application (although there are also «intersections») and the basis of the composition. Let’s compare the heaters «Ursa» and «Penoplex»:




Raw materials

Fiberglass, mineral wool. Polystyrene in the XPS series


Laying method

Laying on a specially mounted frame, closing with another frame after that

Simply placed on glue

texture to the touch

Prickly, unpleasant

Similar to elastic sponge

The need for vapor barrier

There is. Some types are already foiled, others need to be pre-installed with a vapor barrier layer.



Five series of several types

Four Series

Possibility of ceiling insulation

No. It crumbles, mineral dust can get into the eyes and lungs


Operation Precautions

You can’t work without a respirator, it’s very dangerous

Enough basic protection

Can be used with building mixes

Resistant to any mixtures, characterized by chemical inertness

Resistant to all mixtures

Susceptibility to pests



environmental hazard



Life time

Up to 30-40 years

Up to 30-40 years


Not combustible

Non-flammable under normal conditions, completely non-flammable when fire retardant is added




Regarding the price. On average, in the market, Ursa heaters are 3-4 times cheaper than Penoplex. And this is the reason for their high demand.


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