Метка: apartment

  • How to quickly dry clothes after washing

    How to quickly dry clothes after washing

    Only not this! Washed things are not dry in the morning, and you only have 1 hour before going out? Don’t worry, we’ll help you solve this problem. Familiar situation. First of all, don’t be dramatic. If there is no extra need to wear the washed item, feel free to wear another outfit. Impromptu will…

  • How to clean a very dirty carpet

    How to clean a very dirty carpet

    We will not write boring recommendations, but we will offer you to go through a quest with certain tasks for cleaning the carpet. The first step is to look at our instance and determine its type. Choosing tools In order to start developing activities to restore the cleanliness of soft flooring, we need to decide…

  • How to remove old paint from a battery

    How to remove old paint from a battery

    A peeling cast-iron battery will ruin the interior of any room — even if it has been redecorated. After re-painting, there is a risk of only exacerbating the problem, since fresh enamel will emphasize the relief of the battery. The only option is to remove the old paint from the battery, prime it and re-paint…

  • Which refrigerator is better — single-compressor or two-compressor

    Which refrigerator is better — single-compressor or two-compressor

    Among consumers, disputes often arise as to which of the refrigerators is more reliable and functional — one-compressor or two-compressor? The answer to this question depends, rather, on the point of view and needs of a particular user of the unit. Our experts have found out everything about the features of both home appliances. Below…

  • Compare insulation Ursa and Penoplex

    Compare insulation Ursa and Penoplex

    URSA and Penoplex are thermal insulation materials that can be used to insulate walls, foundations, roofs and other parts of a building. Despite the similar scope, they differ quite a lot in terms of composition and some operational features. Therefore, before you go to the building materials store, you need to compare URSA and Penoplex…

  • Compare projector and TV |  What is better to choose

    Compare projector and TV | What is better to choose

    If you want to organize a real home theater in your apartment to watch your favorite movies and series on the big screen, then you cannot do without high-quality equipment. And the choice arises — which is better to buy, a projector or a TV? And the answer to this question is not as clear…

  • Compare cable TV and digital

    Compare cable TV and digital

    With the development of technology, the number of ways to transmit a TV signal is only increasing. Now, as of April 2019, there are five broadcasting standards in EU — terrestrial analog, terrestrial digital, cable analog, cable digital (aka IP TV) and satellite. And the choice of type when conducting a new television in an…

  • Compare porcelain and faience |  What is best for the sink

    Compare porcelain and faience | What is best for the sink

    The bathroom is not only a place to relax after a hard day, but also a corner where you can comfortably and, most importantly, safely take hygiene procedures. Not the last role is played by environmentally friendly and high-quality sanitary ware. And what if not ceramics is best suited for this? But the question is:…

  • Compare dry screed and self-leveling floor

    Compare dry screed and self-leveling floor

    Dry screed and self-leveling floor are two similar technologies. The peculiarity of the first is that it is actually a dry version of the second. Under what conditions is a screed more optimal, and for what situations is a self-leveling floor suitable? To answer this question, it is necessary to have an understanding of the…

  • How to Store Green Onions

    How to Store Green Onions

    Green onions, when properly stored, retain their freshness for a long time: at a temperature of 3-4 degrees, it is usable for 2-3 weeks, and at zero temperature — up to 2 months. We have prepared a number of recommendations, following which, you will keep green onions fresh and tasty for a long time. …