Метка: safety

  • How to quickly dry clothes after washing

    How to quickly dry clothes after washing

    Only not this! Washed things are not dry in the morning, and you only have 1 hour before going out? Don’t worry, we’ll help you solve this problem. Familiar situation. First of all, don’t be dramatic. If there is no extra need to wear the washed item, feel free to wear another outfit. Impromptu will…

  • Unleavened bread: benefits and harms

    Unleavened bread: benefits and harms

    In all stores you can find yeast-free bread in various designs. It has great advantages compared to classic bread, but it can have some harm. Let’s try to understand the features of such a product. What is unleavened bread? Photo: 31daily.com/ This type of bread is called so, since yeast, sourdough are not used…

  • How to remove old paint from a battery

    How to remove old paint from a battery

    A peeling cast-iron battery will ruin the interior of any room — even if it has been redecorated. After re-painting, there is a risk of only exacerbating the problem, since fresh enamel will emphasize the relief of the battery. The only option is to remove the old paint from the battery, prime it and re-paint…

  • How to iron silk

    How to iron silk

    Silk is a delicate and delicate fabric that easily gets dirty and torn. Natural or artificial silk, dark or light product — all this affects the process of ironing the material. Information about the care of the product can be found on the label from the manufacturer, but this is not all the rules. We…

  • Which iron coating is better

    Which iron coating is better

    Aesthetic design and ease of use, as practice shows, are far from the most important characteristics of a reliable and functional iron. Everything is decided by the type and design features of the sole. In its manufacture, various materials are used, each of which has both undoubted advantages and obvious disadvantages. Which coverage is best?…

  • Compare metal roofing and soft roofing

    Compare metal roofing and soft roofing

    Metal tiles and soft roofing, which is also called soft or bituminous tiles, are two popular and approximately similar types of roofing. Which one is better — there is no definite answer to this question, since each of the materials has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, our experts asked professional builders to compare…

  • Compare insulation Ursa and Penoplex

    Compare insulation Ursa and Penoplex

    URSA and Penoplex are thermal insulation materials that can be used to insulate walls, foundations, roofs and other parts of a building. Despite the similar scope, they differ quite a lot in terms of composition and some operational features. Therefore, before you go to the building materials store, you need to compare URSA and Penoplex…

  • Which option is better for wall decoration — wallpaper or painting

    Which option is better for wall decoration — wallpaper or painting

    This question is perhaps most often heard in the implementation of repairs in residential premises. Each of the materials has its own characteristics and, of course, disadvantages. And, without having your own experience with such a finish, it is difficult to make a choice in favor of one of them. What, after all, is better…

  • Compare plywood and chipboard

    Compare plywood and chipboard

    The level of quality of floor finishing depends to a large extent on the type of finishing material chosen. Plywood and chipboard have been holding the palm for a long time. How to assess the relevance of the use of a particular material? To do this, you need to have an idea about the features…

  • How to remove pilling from pants

    How to remove pilling from pants

    Pills on pants appear for many reasons: frequent wear, improper washing and drying. So, if you constantly wash your pants at too high a temperature, then spools will quickly appear on them. Also, this problem is typical for knitwear and other products made from synthetic fibers. If during wearing the pants often come into contact…