Which refrigerator is better - single-compressor or two-compressor

Which refrigerator is better — single-compressor or two-compressor

Among consumers, disputes often arise as to which of the refrigerators is more reliable and functional — one-compressor or two-compressor? The answer to this question depends, rather, on the point of view and needs of a particular user of the unit. Our experts have found out everything about the features of both home appliances. Below is a detailed comparison of refrigerators with 1 and 2 compressors.

Single compressor refrigerator: features, benefits

Single compressor refrigerator: features, benefits

It’s worth starting with what a device with one motor is. As a rule, this is a fairly powerful unit with a volume of up to 100 liters with a modest freezer (or without it). In most cases, one compressor is enough for high-quality and long-term operation of the unit.

Similar models of refrigerators allow only the simultaneous setting of the temperature regime for all chambers. But the possibility of turning off the freezer or common chamber separately in single-compressor household appliances is not allowed. For example, in the event of a long departure from home or the need to clean the refrigerator, it will not be possible to turn off only one of its cameras: you will have to disconnect the entire device from the network.

In single-compressor units, one motor is responsible for each of the sections, which does not allow achieving temperature control of the chambers separately. But there are also exceptions. We are talking about models of refrigeration devices equipped with a solenoid valve that allows you to regulate the circulation of the refrigerant in the device. The main task of the valve is to block the access of the refrigerant to the evaporator to stop the cooling process (the freezer will not stop working).

Changing the temperature regime is achieved in one of the possible ways: the valve provides the supply of refrigerant first to the refrigerator, then to the freezer or only to it. The combination of both cycles makes it possible to maintain the optimum temperature in the chambers independently of each other.

Important! None of the existing models of refrigerators with one motor (even with a valve) can turn off one of the chambers separately.

Single compressor devices have their advantages:

  1. High degree of reliability;

  2. Moderate noise level;

  3. High cooling capacity;

  4. Affordable cost.

Two-compressor refrigerator: features, benefits

Two-compressor refrigerator: features, benefits

It is almost impossible to visually distinguish a two-compressor unit. To determine the type of device, you will have to look at its back wall: two blocks and condenser grids of the cooling circuits will be installed there. So why does a refrigeration unit need a second compressor? Its task is to speed up the freezing process without reducing efficiency with increased dimensions of the refrigerator and freezer.

It is this factor that often plays a decisive role when choosing a particular refrigerator model, inclining either in favor of buying or refusing it because of the excessive efficiency of such equipment for the needs of the family. It is important to understand that two-compressor refrigerators are powerful, functional, and expensive equipment. Therefore, if you buy it “in reserve”, but do not store the appropriate amount of products, such a financial investment will absolutely not justify itself.

But if there is a significant amount of products, a two-compressor refrigerator will be an excellent choice, since a unit with one compressor in this case will simply work for wear and tear — at the maximum power capacity, at maximum noise and consuming a lot of electricity.

The main advantages of two-compressor cooling systems:

  1. High cooling rate — the presence of two independent working elements makes it possible to quickly reduce the temperature in all chambers of the refrigerator, which is very effective in case of a large load of the unit with products. In addition, this is especially important during power outages: the refrigerator will be able to quickly return the temperature to its original value.

  2. Energy Efficiency — Despite the common misconception that two motors are more voracious than one, practice shows otherwise. The first point: the refrigerator compartment opens more often than the freezer compartment. A low-power compressor is installed there, respectively, it consumes little electricity. The second point: if one of the compartments is empty, it can be turned off without any problems.

  3. Quietness — a two-compressor refrigerator is not as noisy as a single-compressor refrigerator, although it seemed like it should be the other way around. The thing is that each compressor itself is quiet, and at the same time they rarely work. If this happens, the synchronism of the sound and the identical frequency of the motors do not affect their volume too much.

  4. Flexibility of control — if necessary, the user can adjust the temperature for each chamber separately. For example, in one compartment it can be -30 0C, in the other — about +6 0FROM.

One of the key disadvantages of two-compressor refrigerators is the high probability of breakage. This is due to the large number of working elements, which are almost a third more than in single-compressor ones.

What’s better?

To choose the best option for a refrigerator, you should proceed from personal wishes and take into account your own needs. Without a mandatory analysis of the latter, you can overpay for unnecessary functionality or, conversely, purchase a model that cannot perform all the tasks assigned to it. So, when buying a refrigerator, there are a few things to consider.

Is Deep Freeze Relevant?

If the freezer will almost always be loaded to the maximum with products that require deep freezing, it is better to opt for a two-compressor model. A single compressor will work to cool a warmer refrigerator chamber.

This will not have the best effect on the condition of stored vegetables, fruits and any liquid products: defrosting soup in order to eat, or waiting for soda to thaw is still a pleasure. Two-compressor refrigerators will not create such a problem: if necessary, they are able to maintain a significant temperature difference in the chambers.

How many foods will be stored in the refrigerator?

If you purchase a refrigerator of impressive dimensions in order to store food in reserve, but at the same time, in practice, use its internal space to a minimum, the investment will not justify itself. Cooling the chambers separately will not give almost any savings.

A two-compressor refrigerator is relevant only for those cases where a large amount of food will be constantly stored in it. This is a more economical, functional and reliable option: in the event of an overload of the freezer, a single-compressor unit will work at its maximum capacity, accelerating its wear, making a lot of noise and consuming a lot of electricity.

How frequent are power outages?

Rolling blackouts are a burning problem for residents of some cities. In areas where the power grid does not have sufficient power reserves, peak electricity consumption often leads to interruptions. In such cases, single-compressor refrigerators are more at risk, especially if filled to capacity.

If there is a power outage for several hours or a couple of days, most likely nothing will happen to the products, but for the device itself this is not very good (especially if such network failures occur almost every week). The two-compressor unit will not feel strong “stress” during network drops, it will cool the chambers to the optimum temperature faster, and will not wear out much.

Is the fine temperature adjustment in the chambers up-to-date?

If the freezer is used infrequently and with a small load, it is not difficult to maintain the optimal temperature in the refrigerator. A single-compressor household appliance will also successfully cope with this task. But if there will be a lot of products, and the freezer will be used regularly, in order to avoid hypothermia of the refrigerator, it is advisable to pay attention to a product with two compressors.

Where is the appliance installed?

Modern models of single-compressor refrigerators emit noise that is quite comfortably tolerated by human hearing (no more than 45 dB). If, according to the combination of the previous criteria, just such a unit is sufficient, and the housing is spacious and the kitchen is a separate room, it makes no sense to overpay for a model with two compressors.

If, for a number of reasons, the option with 2 motors is more relevant, and a studio apartment or a modest «Khrushchev» kitchen is also added to this, it is better to opt for a two-compressor unit.

which refrigerator to choose

Comparative characteristics

Single compressor

Double compressor

Number of cooling circuits

One cooling circuit

Two cooling circuits, the intensity of each of which can be adjusted separately (this allows you to set different temperature conditions for different refrigeration chambers)

energy efficiency

Low due to high power motor

High due to the presence of 2 low-power motors. And the ability to control the refrigerator and freezer compartments separately reduces energy consumption.

Noise level

Average noise level — 40 dB

Average noise <40 dB


General functionality:

No frost — no need to defrost the refrigerator;

Antibacterial — antibacterial coating of the device walls;

Super Cool — quick cooling of drinks;

Super Freeze — shock freezing;

Fresh box — zone with humidity control and temperature 0 0FROM

Possibility to turn off one of the cooling circuits or activate its operation in the intensive freezing mode



About a quarter more expensive (although there are also budget models)


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