Метка: vegetables

  • What to eat sweet, so as not to harm the figure

    What to eat sweet, so as not to harm the figure

    Not all people can deny themselves sweets. There are a large number of different products that attract men and women, but the figure suffers from them. Knowing some rules, each person will be able to indulge in sweets, while not getting better. The truth about sweets Photo: trimdownclub.com As studies have shown scientists, many…

  • Which refrigerator is better — single-compressor or two-compressor

    Which refrigerator is better — single-compressor or two-compressor

    Among consumers, disputes often arise as to which of the refrigerators is more reliable and functional — one-compressor or two-compressor? The answer to this question depends, rather, on the point of view and needs of a particular user of the unit. Our experts have found out everything about the features of both home appliances. Below…

  • Comparing white and black sesame

    Comparing white and black sesame

    Sesame (also called «sesame») is a familiar seasoning that is used in a wide variety of dishes. However, for some time now, several varieties of it can be found on store shelves. Particularly white and black. At the same time, black sesame is positioned as more useful, fragrant and tasty. But many housewives and owners…

  • Compare wine and balsamic vinegar

    Compare wine and balsamic vinegar

    Professional chefs keep the secrets of preparing their dishes in the strictest confidence, but one thing is for sure: they always use original and natural spices, as well as vinegar. Among the variety of all kinds of flavorings and sauces, balsamic and wine vinegars are absolute favorites. Are there any differences between them and what…

  • Comparing complex and simple carbohydrates

    Comparing complex and simple carbohydrates

    Probably, every person interested in their health and figure knows that it is very important to control the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet. Only in this case, you can save or improve your forms. But as soon as you start to understand the diet more deeply, it turns out that everything…

  • What is the difference between fast carbs and slow carbs?

    What is the difference between fast carbs and slow carbs?

    Carbohydrates are a heterogeneous concept, since they are divided into two large groups, known to most as fast and slow, although there are also medical terms: “simple” and “complex”, respectively. What is the difference between them, and how do they affect the body? Our experts have found answers to all questions. About carbohydrates and the…

  • Comparing white and red onions

    Comparing white and red onions

    Onion is perhaps the main ingredient in European cuisine. Due to the fact that it is well stored — root vegetables can lie for years in the right conditions — and at the same time has a rich taste, not limited to sharp shades, it has become popular and is used in a huge number…

  • How long does sauerkraut keep

    How long does sauerkraut keep

    Ensuring the right conditions for sauerkraut is no easy task. We have prepared a number of recommendations, following which you can ensure the longest possible shelf life of winter preparations and always have ingredients for soups, first and second courses, pies, pancakes and meatballs on hand. How long is sauerkraut edible The shelf…

  • Compare cauliflower and broccoli

    Compare cauliflower and broccoli

    Cauliflower and broccoli have some similarities in appearance and differ from all other varieties of cabbage (white, Peking, Brussels, kohlrabi, etc.). Some do not see any difference in them. However, they are two completely different vegetables with different chemical composition, taste, nutritional value and history. Our experts have learned all about broccoli and cauliflower and…

  • Comparing animal and vegetable proteins

    Comparing animal and vegetable proteins

    Proteins are the most important nutrients in the human diet. You can get them from both animal products and plant foods. But nutritionists warn that their value varies. Our experts found out how animal and vegetable proteins differ, what are their main sources and which ones are more valuable for the body. We also learn…