Метка: eating

  • What to eat sweet, so as not to harm the figure

    What to eat sweet, so as not to harm the figure

    Not all people can deny themselves sweets. There are a large number of different products that attract men and women, but the figure suffers from them. Knowing some rules, each person will be able to indulge in sweets, while not getting better. The truth about sweets Photo: trimdownclub.com As studies have shown scientists, many…

  • Coffee health benefits and harms

    Coffee health benefits and harms

    For many years there has been a debate about the benefits and harms of coffee. In Arabia, it used to be forbidden to eat grains, but popularity took over, the ban lost its force over the years. The drink is consumed in every corner of the world, there are many options for its preparation, but…

  • Cottage cheese at night benefit and harm

    Cottage cheese at night benefit and harm

    We all know for sure that natural cottage cheese is quite useful for every person. But few people know when it is more useful. Our grandmothers advised to eat it in the morning. Or maybe more benefit from it at lunch or dinner? If you want to have a snack at night, is it possible…

  • How to spend fasting days on kefir

    How to spend fasting days on kefir

    For the body to work properly, it needs to do fasting days. The time when you can choose one product to eat throughout the day. One of the best products that you can use is kefir. If used correctly, it will only benefit you. Dairy products are quite cheap, healthy, inexpensive and have a low…

  • Compare coho salmon and salmon |  What is healthier and tastier

    Compare coho salmon and salmon | What is healthier and tastier

    Both coho salmon and salmon are rare representatives of salmon. They are similar in their properties and equally useful. But when choosing a suitable red fish, nevertheless, a reasonable question arises: which is tastier? Our experts will give you the answer. Coho salmon: characteristics, composition, benefits The largest fish in the salmon family. «Silver…

  • Compare sugar and sweetener |  Pros and cons

    Compare sugar and sweetener | Pros and cons

    Sugar is now found in almost all products. It is added to baked goods, canned food, marinades, sauces, sausages and much, much more. You can meet glucose even in those dishes where it — in theory — should not be. Just sugar is both a flavor enhancer, and a preservative, and just a food additive.…

  • Comparing hot and cold smoked fish

    Comparing hot and cold smoked fish

    Smoked fish is one of the most popular delicacies. Luxurious, rich and full-bodied taste and delicate texture make it perfect for both festive feasts and everyday meals. In addition, it has a rich, characteristic aroma, which further enhances its nutritional qualities. However, there are two ways to cook this dish — hot and cold. And…

  • Comparing complex and simple carbohydrates

    Comparing complex and simple carbohydrates

    Probably, every person interested in their health and figure knows that it is very important to control the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet. Only in this case, you can save or improve your forms. But as soon as you start to understand the diet more deeply, it turns out that everything…

  • Comparing oat and wheat bran

    Comparing oat and wheat bran

    For a long time, the hard seed coat was considered only a husk and was thrown away as garbage. Only at the end of the last century did bran become an integral part of the diet of those who care about the state of their gastrointestinal tract. The whole world has learned that this product…

  • Comparing white and red onions

    Comparing white and red onions

    Onion is perhaps the main ingredient in European cuisine. Due to the fact that it is well stored — root vegetables can lie for years in the right conditions — and at the same time has a rich taste, not limited to sharp shades, it has become popular and is used in a huge number…